Sunday, September 09, 2007

For the glory of God and of His Holy Mother - Part 3

Having begun the project of the wall and shrine on the feast of the Immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was very fitting that her statue should be installed in the almost completed shrine, on the feast of the Nativity of the same Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Seated, as she is, on the Papa Stronsay pier, where at high tide she is surrounded by the sea, we ask this Star of the Sea to protect us from every evil, but especially the least relaxation in any form.

Br. Mark, C.SS.R. places the two adoring angels into the shrine to await the arrival of their Queen.

The setting sun shows its face for the occasion.

The statue is very heavy, and was brought to the pier in the van. It was definitely a case of ‘many hands make light work’ to get it from the van to the shrine.

The procession for the blessing leaves the sacristy and makes its way to the shrine.

Rev. Fr Anthony Mary, C.SS.R. blesses the statues and shrine.

The community gathers around for the blessing.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.


  1. Truly a magnificent accomplishment and so movingly photographed! It is very difficult to find the proper words to express the heartfelt joy your monastery and its work gives one with every visit to your website. God bless you, and please pray for this poor sinner who is in your debt for the inspiration you provide!

    Patrick Michael
    Williamsville, NY USA

  2. I will try in english, i hope you'll understand.I am the son of marc, someone you helped when you were in joinville.We would like to have an adress (i mean the adress of your monastery) to send you a letter.If you want, could you send it on please?
    My father and me (?) would be really happy.
    I hope i managed to write in a correct english.
