Friday, May 30, 2014

Latin Mass Society Conference

Last Saturday, 24th May, the Latin Mass Society (LMS) held their conference in London.  The theme of the conference was "The Traditional Mass and Evangelisation", and included such speakers as Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Very Rev Fr Michael Mary, F.SS.R.  Thanks to the LMS chairman, Dr Joseph Shaw, and to Mr Martin Gardener for the use of their photos. 


 Arriving in London early on Saturday morning meant that Father could celebrate Holy Mass in the Lady Chapel of St James's, Spanish Place before the conference. (Photo: Dr Joseph Shaw)

 (Photo: Dr Joseph Shaw)

 (Photo: Dr Joseph Shaw)

 Bishop Athanasius Schneider delivering his address at the LMS conference in London. (Photo: Mr Martin Gardener)

 Fr Michael Mary spoke on the need to pass on the Catholic traditions to the next generation.

 Father spoke not only of liturgical tradition, but also traditional devotion and doctrine, especially of the eternal truths: Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell.

Listen To Fr Michael Mary's conference right here on our blog!

Alternatively you can listen and download from the LMS's podcast page.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider brought the conference to a close with his blessing.

Very Rev. Fr Michael Mary and Br Martin Mary pictured with Bishop Schneider after the conference. (Photo: Mr Martin Gardener)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Our Lady's Procession

This Sunday past was the annual procession of Our Lady of Christchurch, New Zealand.  The Bishop of Christchurch, His Lordship Bishop Barry Jones, has put the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer in charge of this annual event, and our confrères have been working hard during the preceding weeks and months to make it a success.  Thanks be to God and Mary it was a great success with over 500 people turning out to honour their Heavenly Mother despite the blustery weather!

Fr Yousef Marie addresses the morning assembly of teachers and pupils at Mary Immaculate Catholic School, New Brighton, in preparation for the procession.

 Entering the church prior to the procession.

 Being lifted by her father, Sarah Green has the honour of crowning our Blessed Mother.

 Procedamus in Pace! The procession begins!

 The bier prepares to set out carrying the official replica of the statue of Our Lady of Christchurch.

Our Lady leads born aloft upon the shoulders of twelve men.

The Faithful follow behind praying the rosary and singing hymns in honour of their Queen.

Upon return to the church, His Lordship Bishop Jones gives the benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

 Our Lady's Ribboniers and Flower Girls.

Members of the Kerelite Catholic community in Christchurch pose for a photo with Our Lady's statue.

Fr Magdala Maria with some of the Faithful.

Your can find plenty more photos by following Our Lady of Christchurch's  Facebook page!

Monday, May 05, 2014

Be not faithless, but believing. (Jn. 20:27)

A relic of the Wood of the True Cross.

As we know, 3rd May, was the old Feast of the finding of the Holy Cross.  Back in the 1970s it was fashionable to attempt to erode and destroy the faith of the Catholic people by telling them that there are now so many relics of the True Cross to be found in the world, that if they were all brought together in one place, there would be far more wood than the Cross of Jesus Christ could possibly have been constructed from.  The conclusion that these rationalistic destroyers of Faith wish you to draw, is that much of the wood claimed to be of the True Cross, is in fact counterfeit and not really the True Cross at all. Having heard this, how could you ever know if the relic you have before you is real nor not? Perhaps it is a piece of the True Cross, but then again, perhaps it is also one of the medieval forgeries the above mentioned wise professors have told us about?  How could you know?

Well fortunately there is an answer.  It would appear that the purveyors of these dangerous ideas had neglected to study what the Fathers of the Church had to say on the matter.  Let us turn our eyes to St Paulinus of Nola.

Paulinus was born of rich and noble parents at Bordeaux, France in the year 354 AD.  Remember that this is but 42 years since the battle of Milvian Bridge during which the Emperor Constantine saw a vision of the Cross in the sky with the words “In hoc signo vinces”, In this sign, conquer, and 31 years since the Edict of Milan, in which the Emperor Constantine freed the Christian religion from persecution within the Roman Empire.  Paulinus’s family being a rich one with numerous estates throughout the empire, was given a broad education.  Remarkably he was only 25 years old when he was made Suffect Consul by the Emperor Gratian, and at 28 he was made governor of the province of Campania.
The Roman Emperor Gratian.

After the death of his wife, Therasia, he was made bishop of Nola.  St Paulinus received high praise from such great minds as St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Martin of Tours and St. Ambrose.  By all this we can understand that St Paulinus of Nola was no fool.  To rise so high in both the secular and ecclesiastical hierarchy demonstrates a sharp mind and sound judgment, not blown by every wind that might catch him.  Knowing this we should not take lightly the words he addresses to Severus in his 32nd letter.  Speaking of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem he writes:

St Paulinus of Nola
Every year during the Lord’s Pasch the bishop of that city [Jerusalem] brings it [the True Cross] out to be venerated by the people; he leads them in this show of respect.  Only on the day when we celebrate the mystery of the Cross Itself is that source of mysteries brought out to mark the holy and solemn occasion; but occasionally devout pilgrims who have come there merely for that purpose beg that it be shown to them as reward for their long journeying.  It is said that this request is granted only by the kindness of the bishop; and it is likewise by his gift alone that these tiny fragments of sacred wood from the Cross are made available to win great graces and blessings.
"Indeed this cross of inanimate wood has living power, and ever since its discovery has lent its wood to the countless, almost daily, prayers of men.  Yet it suffers no diminution; though daily divided, it seems to remain whole to those who lift it, and always entire to those who venerate it.  Assuredly it draws this power of incorruptibility, this undiminishing integrity, from the Blood of that Flesh which endured death yet did not see corruption.”