Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Alphonsianum

We are pleased to announce another Papa Stronsay blog.
This one is called the

The purpose of this new blog is to give us a place to publish some of the works of our Holy Father St. Alphonsus. The title 'Alphonsianum' is the name given to the section in monastery libraries that is consecrated to St. Alphonsus. Now we will have some inspired words from the Most Zealous Doctor close at hand. Eventually we will also publish images of the great Doctor and articles about him. An attractive button will soon link from this blog to the Alphonsianum site. Meanwhile the link is at the bottom of this post.
We have started with the right little work: Short, practical, and useful for every situation of life from living peacefully with the weather to accepting the heaviest crosses: Perhaps this is the first time it has been published on the Internet, perhaps not, but here it is: the little work called 'Conformity to the Will of God.'
This has been called the 'heavenly' little work of St. Alphonsus.
This is a document to print out and read many times.
In this little work St. Alphonsus teaches about true holiness. It is edifying that having written it, he used it repeatedly himself and, when enfeebled by old age, he often asked for it to be read to him. If this great ascetic, monk, bishop, Saint and Doctor of the Church used this little document so frequently and fruitfully himself, surely we would all profit from being familiar with it.


  1. How wonderful! As it happens, I'm now reading the abridged version of St. Alphonsus' meditations on the Last Things, recently published by TAN under the title Preparing for Death. Thank you for starting this new blog dedicated to my favorite spiritual writer. God bless!

  2. I'm reading from St Alphonsus at present..

  3. I am reading Saint Alphonsus' "What Will Hell Be Like?"


  4. I think that the spirituality of St. Alphonsus can be summed up in these words from his sermon on loving God above everything:

    O Jesus! my Saviour, when will it be that, stripped of any other affection, I may ask and seek for none but Thee!
