Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fishing for Saint Peter and Paul

Yesterday evening was beautiful here in Orkney so we took advantage of the good weather - and the feast day - to go fishing. Saint Peter smiled upon us and we caught a good number of fish. It was far from a draught of fish so big that we had to call a second boat, but it was enough to make it worth while and it was tremendously enjoyable. Unfortunately, we forgot to take the camera so no pictures were taken of the trip itself, however there are a few pictures taken after we returned.

Br. Martin Mary, Br. Ivan Maria and Br. Louis Marie holding the biggest fish of the catch.

The unpleasant but necessary task of preparing the fish.

Br. Yousef Marie with our catch. Most of it is mackerel. Hopefully we will be able to catch more of them before the season is over. We can then freeze them for use throughout the year.


  1. Dear Fathers and Brothers,

    It looks like I missed the wonderful opportunity of catching fish.. I always wanted to do that. Next time I will ensure to visit around this time so I do not miss this great opportunity and fun..

    God bless you all

  2. Sorry Brother Martin, but your difficulty gutting the fish calls for extra practice! I have it on good authority that in the days of the herring industry, the gutting was done by skilled fisher-girls, who could gut a fish in one second!! Information courtesy of 'The Maritime Trust', the story of the 'Lydia Eva'. Don't despair though, just keep practising! My gut feeling tells me that you are probably faster at this than I am! Not only that, but I have to admit that I have never caught a fish in my life! Thanks for the post. Best wishes to all the Community. BC.

  3. A Transalpine fish fry! Sounds delightful!

  4. Unfortunately we forgot to take the camera.... Are you sure you didn't buy these from the fish counter at Tesco in Inverness? Only joking!

  5. Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

    Both my Great-grandfather and my Grandfather were Fishermen so I know very well the joy and the euphoria that follow a good catch.

    "Praised be You my Lord through
    our Sister, Mother Earth
    who sustains and governs us,
    producing varied fruits with coloured flowers and herbs."
    (St.Francis Canticle)

    May Lord always grant you
    good catches and good crops

    With All Respect

  6. So, who's invited to the Golgatha Monastery fish fry???
