Friday, May 04, 2012

Seminary Lightning Storm

 On Wednesday night, we had a quite spectacular storm here in Denton, Nebraska, where Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary is located.  I was woken up by a loud thunder clap, and was unable to get back to sleep due to all the flashing and thunder.  So I went to my window to have a better look, and decided to get our camera out to take some photos and video.  There were rather a lot of photos, and you can see them all on our Facebook page, but I will put a few here as well.  This first photo was taken while there was no lightning - it was pitch-black.  All the pictures after that were taken during the same night, so the sun is not shining in any of them:

 The darkness of the night.  All the following photos were taken during the same dark night.

 For a fraction of a second everything is as bright as a summer day!

A faint shadow of God's almighty power can be seen in the nature He created!

Some video footage of the storm.  There were a lot of smaller flashes which the camera didn't pick up, but you can get the idea.


  1. I agree that..."A faint shadow of God's almighty power can be seen in the nature He created."

    I love thunder and lightening storms, but unfortunately, there are few of them on the west coast of the U.S. where I live. The Midwest, such as Nebraska, however, is another story! Plenty of storms there.

    I think these type of storms serve as a reminder that ultimately we are not in control, and that it is God who is in control. The storms always have the potential to be dangerous and cause damage, but there is also a great beauty in the power and majesty of a thunder and lightening storm.

  2. St. Elizabeth the New-Martyred Abbess said something similar during the early days of the Boshevik ascendency. "Think of a storm, what deep impressions it gives. Some hide, some flee, some perish, and still others see the mighty Hand of God. Is this not a reflection of our own times?"

    Christ is risen!

  3. I grew up and spent the first 25 years of my life in Iowa and then moved to Minnesota. I miss these storms. And, I think the night skies on the prairies, especially in Missouri where I have lived most recently, are the most beautiful in the world. God bless all the sems at Denton.

  4. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of majesty hath thundered, The Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is in power; the voice of the Lord in magnificence.

    Psalm 28:3-4
