Monday, June 24, 2013

Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood

Thanks be to God, on Saturday 22nd June, Archbishop Pozzo ordained Fr Yousef Marie, F.SS.R. and Fr. Magdala Maria, F.SS.R. to the sacred priesthood in the Church of the Fraternity of St Peter, Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini in Rome.  It was a wonderful day and we are truly thankful to God and His Holy Mother, and to all of our friends and benefactors as well as to the Fraternity of St Peter.

 Our deacons had the privilege of joining Massimo Botta, F.S.S.P. for ordination.

 The deacons lie prostrate during the singing of the Litany of the Saints.

 The imposition of hands.

 Once the ordaining bishop has imposed hands upon those to be ordained, all the priests who are present do so also.

 Receiving the chasuble which, for the moment, remains folded at the back.

 The anointing of the hands.

 The hands of the priests, once anointed, are bound together.  The manutergium (Linen band) is kept by the priest, and used to join the hands of his mother after death when she is buried.

 The tradition of the instruments.

The chasuble is unfolded fully.

 After the ceremony. Left to Right the priests are: Fr Yousef Marie, F.SS.R., Fr Massimo Botta, F.S.S.P., Fr Magdala Maria, F.SS.R.

 Fr Magdala Maria, F.SS.R. gives his first blessing to his mother and Father who came all the way from Australia to be here for this great occasion.

 Father here gives his first blessing to Fr. Anthony Mary, F.SS.R.

The new priests of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer give each other their first blessing.

The newly ordained priests with members of their families.

First Mass photos to come.


  1. Truly a wonderfully Blessed day for the F.SS.R. and the Reverend Fathers Magdala Maria and Yousef Marie. May they obtain every grace and blessing in their sacred ministry.

    We eagerly look forward to receiving a blessing from their sacred hands upon their return to Scotland. Perhaps at the diocesan pilgrimage at Pluscarden??

    May Our Lady be your Light, may the Cure of Ars be your vision, and Our Risen Lord your Strength.

    Deo Gratias.

  2. Congratulations--what a beautiful day full of God's grace! Deo gratias.

  3. Beautiful pictures of a wonderful occasion. Thank you!

  4. FSSR in New ZealandTuesday, June 25, 2013

    Thank you, lovely to see these beautiful pictures of the great day, in the heart of Eternal Rome! Our prayers accompanying you throughout these historic days for our most small institute!

  5. Heartfelt congratulations to Fr Yousef Marie, Fr. Magdala Maria, their families and to the F.SS.R.

    What a great day!

  6. Congratulations! May Our Lady protect our new priests. Deo gratias!

  7. Congratulations and best wishes!
    A Mass and Te Deum for the newly ordained and The Sons.

  8. What a wonderful and memorable day. Congratulations, best wishes, and prayers. Great photographs! B&M

  9. Congratulations ad best wishes to new ordained priests Fr Yousef Marie, Fr. Magdala Maria !!!

    Frater Marcin Góral
    Institut St. Philipp Neri Berlin

  10. Congratulations to the new F.SS.R Fathers and also to Fr Massimo Botta
    And a special day for their families to witness.

  11. Tu es sacerdos Secundem ordinem Melchisidech in aeternum! Each dear one of you both! DG!

  12. Blessed be God. The Church needs more good priests. Please pray for the redeptorists in England that have lost their way.

  13. Congratulations, and may Our Lady forever protect these sons of St Alphonsus!

  14. Wonderful, may God bless them all the days of their priesthood, and the F.S.S.R.

