Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Easter!

A very happy Easter to everyone who looks at our blog.  May our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, grant you very many blessings during this holy season.

Below are some photos of the Paschal liturgy at the Monastery:

Rev. Fr Yousef Marie, F.SS.R. was the deacon for the Easter vigil ceremonies.  Here, facing the Paschal candle but recently lighted, he chants the Exultet.

Rev. Fr Michael Mary, F.SS.R. during the blessing of the Paschal Water.

The Holy Oils are mixed with the newly created Paschal Water as Baptismal Water is blessed.

Rev. Fr Yousef Marie chanting the Gospel.

Sung Mass was celebrated on Easter morning on Stronsay by Rev. Fr Yousef.  Here he prays the Confiteor at the beginning of Mass.

Chanting the Gospel.

On Easter morning, Rev Fr Michael Mary performs the blessing of "First Fruits", which is a Paschal custom.


  1. A blessed Easter octave to everyone!

  2. Thanks for sharing such a great post. Have you a happy blessed Easter!
