Monday, April 28, 2008

Seminarians return to Papa Stronsay

To answer the questions posted on Angelqueen, I make the following clarification.
Before the new seminary year began at the Holy Cross Seminary in Goulburn, Australia, I advised the seminary Rector of my reply to William of Norwich. On March 10th, the Rector replied:

“…I am very happy to hear that the Brothers will be coming back to Holy Cross to continue their studies. They are not only welcome, but very edifying for all of us. I am certainly not one of those narrow-minded persons who is unwilling to tolerate a difference of opinion on issues, and I am fully aware of the fact that as your own community, you the Redemptorists must make your own decisions, without in the slightest questioning the extraordinary wisdom, equilibrium and catholic sense of Bishop Fellay and his counsel. I am confident that these ripples will not affect our union in the combat of the Faith and for the conversion of souls, starting with our own. Please be assured of my prayers. …”

However, on the second day after their arrival in the seminary, one of the three Brothers was called to the Rector’s office. During the course of the interview the Rector suggested that possibly the only way to stop me from carrying out negotiations with Rome was by threatening to start up a breakaway community. This suggestion was also repeated at another time to all three Brothers.

I later received an email from the Society saying that if we made an agreement with Rome, our seminarians would not be welcome in any SSPX seminary.

Life is full of choices. The seminary and Society must make their choices. The much smaller Council of the Transalpine Redemptorists must also make its choices; from prayer, not pressure.

‘Let nothing disturb thee,
nothing afright thee,
all things are passing,
God alone suffices,
he who has God lacks nothing!’
(St Teresa)

To this day we have had two informal talks with a Redemptorist bishop who works with the Holy See. We have not had any formal discussions, but unwilling to leave our seminarians under pressure, and not wanting to be coerced, we decided that, under the circumstances, it would be better for all concerned if the seminarians were recalled to Papa Stronsay.

Fr. Michael Mary, C.SS.R.

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