Friday, August 15, 2008

Triduum third day — Assumpta est Maria in Caelum!

The Church remembers today, that by the power of Almighty God, Our Blessed Mother rose from the dead, and was assumed body and soul into Heaven. Tradition tells us, that on this day She obtained from her Son that Purgatory should be emptied, and Saint Alphonsus tells us in his book The Glories of Mary, that every year on this feast of Her Assumption, She obtains the release of numberless souls from Purgatory's cleansing fires.

High Mass was celebrated by Fr. Anthony Mary, F.SS.R. in honour of the Assumption of our Immaculate Queen into Heaven. The intentions of the Mass and all the communions of our community were offered for Fr. John. The following captions are antiphons from today's Office.

Assumpta est Maria in caelum ...Mary has been taken up into Heaven! The Angels are rejoicing; praising they bless the Lord.

Maria Virgo assumpta est ...The Virgin Mary has been taken up into the Heavenly bridal chamber, where the King of kings is sitting on a starry throne.

In odorem unguentorum the fragrence of Thy ointments we will run; the maidens love Thee deeply.

Benedicta filia tu a Domino ...O daughter Thou hast been blessed by the Lord, since through Thee we have partaken of the fruit of life.

Venite adoremus Regem regum ...come let us adore the King of kings, for today his Virgin Mother has been taken up into the highest Heaven.