Saturday, January 24, 2009

News of Great Joy !

"...Based in the faculty expressly granted to me
by the Holy Father Benedict XVI,
in virtue of the present Decree,
I remit
Bishops Bernard Fellay,
Bernard Tissier de Mallerais,
Richard Williamson,
Alfonso de Galarreta
the censure of
latae sententiae excommunication ...
from the Congregation for Bishops,
January 21, 2009.
Card. Giovanni Battista Re
Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer
send their heart felt congratulations
to Bishop Fellay
all the members
the Society of St Pius X
on the
"benevolent and courageous act"
of our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
The Benevolent! The Courageous!
Long may he reign!


  1. I love the photo of Bishop Fellay with Rev. Frs. Michael Mary and Anthony Mary. It looks like Bishop Fellay isn't quite acclimated to the arctic cold of Papa Stronsay, whereas the two F.Ss.R. priests are quite unfazed! :-)

    What a wonderful, joyful day for Holy Mother Church. God bless Pope Benedict XVI!

  2. God reward you, dear Father, for posting this.

    I never thought I would live to see this day! If I had the money, I'd go the Vatican and hug His Holiness! Yes, He is courageous indeed.


  3. This is, indeed, good news. I think you can maybe take a wee bit of credit for having been proactive and maybe even leading the way?

    I hope this eventually leads to reconciliation within your community and within the community of your long-time supporters.

  4. There's one more thing I'd like to say.

    It did take a lot of courage for our Holy Father to do this. I hope, and pray hard, that all members of the SSPX make every effort to meet him more than half way.


  5. Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

    I was looking forward to read this post since I have heard the great news at TV. Now, even your detractors will have to thank you for your incessantly work of mediation.
    God has blessed your efforts !
    To quote "Confiteor", this is really a wonderful, joyful day for Holy Mother Church - and for all of us.
    You are in my prayers
    With All Respect
    Alessandro Botto

  6. This is, indeed, good news. I think you can maybe take a wee bit of credit for having been proactive and maybe even leading the way?

    My thoughts, exactly, Kradcliffe! :-)

  7. Fr. Michael, doesn't this mean you could've waited a few more months longer?

  8. This is indeed the most welcomed news of our times. Thanks to Our Blessed Mother for her intercession. The SSPX faithfull offered more than one million rosaries for this intention. Thanks to our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI for his generosity. Deo Gratias


  9. Dear Anonymous,
    No. With the Motu proprio it was all clear. We were given a grace. We made a decision in conscience and answered the call of the Holy Father, the call of Our Lord, with both the prudence and haste that was required of us. As we said at the time, it was easier for us, since we are a small group and the Society is very much bigger. Today we rejoice that the Society has come to the same decision. The Society has humbly asked for the end of the excommunication and the Holy Father has received their request which Bishop Fellay has described as being 'benevolent and courageous.' This is truly wonderful and worthy of joy. This is a day to rejoice in, it is not even a day for explaining. We rejoice dear Anonymous and we hope that you do too.
    Fr Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

  10. Yesterday Rome declared that Bishop Fellay, Bishop Tissier, Bishop Gallereta and Bishop Williamson belong to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, are the true successers of the apostles of Christ and are recognised by the successor of Peter. This was a great day for tradtion, a historical day.

    On another blog I read that The Sons of the Holy Redeemer must be regretting that they made such a hasty move all those months ago. But why would anyone say that?
    The monks of Papastronsay belong to the Roman Catholic Church like everyone else and are recognised by the successor of Peter. Their role in bringing tradition to the Church is no less honorable than others.

    In this new period in the Church we should strive to unite behind Benedict with his wishes to unite the Church and bring her into line with the traditional practices. As he said in France, "everyone must feel accepted in the Church."

    I love the Roman Catholic Church because I love Jesus Christ who founded her. Those who fix the problems today in the Church are not those who created them. The Church moves on all the time and this must be recognised. We must be prepared to trust the Church if we want to belong to her. All is not rosy, and far from it. But yesterday was a sign for all that the One Church founded by Christ has not changed, and cannot change for that matter. I celebrate the lifting of the excommunications from the SSPX Bishps, but look toward Papastronsay as well, realising that their faith, prayer and example is part of God's plan and another reason to celebrate.

  11. And when his friends had heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him. For they said: He is become mad. 22 And the scribes who were come down from Jerusalem, said: He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of devils he casteth out devils. 23 And after he had called them together, he said to them in parables: How can Satan cast out Satan? 24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

  12. Humble thanks are due from all for the intercession of Our Lady. Truly, it can be said that none ever sought her intercession and was left forsaken. How sad that those who followed Luther deprived themselves of her unparalleled powers of intercession with her Son.

  13. Dear Fathers,

    I love reading your little blog posts (and your longer ones, too!). Your writings always seem to exhibit a sense of true joy and love for the Church, without a hint of any "traddy" bitterness. God bless you all! Let's hope the SSPX returns shortly!.

  14. I'm delighted at this news. Of course, this means that we must redouble our efforts to pray that this bears the fruit our Holy Father so much desires.

    I also continue to pray everday for your community, that God may continue to bless you as He obviously has done now for so long.

  15. Dear Fathers,

    I'm glad you share this opinion with the rest of us, your readers. At first I was just surprised, but I've realized these are great news for all that love the Church. Bishop Fellay has shown humility to the Pope, and even has called back Msgr. Williamson when the media showed up an old interview from November.

    The very Bishop Williamson was respectful of authority and has kept a low profile ever since, avoiding further talks about those declaration.

    I personally see a copernican change of attitude in the FSSPX, which is most welcome. We're going to show the world that traditions of the Catholic Church are far from being outdated. Just think at the number of seminarians in France the Fraternity can provide...

    Once the canonical status of the FSSPX is made official, many true 'modernists' are going to have a headache. But those were always in minority. Ever since John Paul II and way more with Benedict XVI.

    These are incredible times for the Church. Let us pray for our Pope!
