Sunday, February 07, 2010

Like the monks from Iona...

Pope Benedict XVI coming to Scotland soon!

... Later this year, I shall have the joy of being present with you and the Catholics of Scotland on your native soil. As you prepare for the Apostolic Visit, encourage your people to pray that it will be a time of grace for the whole Catholic community. Take the opportunity to deepen their faith and to rekindle their commitment to bear witness to the Gospel. Like the monks from Iona who spread the Christian message throughout the length and breadth of Scotland, let them be beacons of faith and holiness for the Scottish people today. ...

Pope Benedict XVI to the Bishops of Scotland
Friday 6 February, 2010


  1. We now know that when the Holy Father meets the bishops individually during their Ad Limina visit, he has an atlas opened on his desk so that they can show him exactly where their diocese is. I can so easily picture Bishop Peter of Aberdeen pointing out to Pope Benedict XVI where Papa Stronsay lies in the Orkney Islands. What a happy thought!

  2. Dear Fathers and Brothers,

    May the announced Apostolic Visit to Scotland bring you the long-awaited news of your full regularization.

    With All Respect

  3. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Pope paid a visit to the monastery!

  4. What!!!! Oh, I hope maybe we can somehow see the Holy Father! But with two newborn twins I doubt we'll get to go anywhere near whatever city the Pope is visiting. :-(
