Monday, February 01, 2010

Papa Stronsay Bookshop

We announce the opening of the
Papa Stronsay Bookshop.

We have many doubles and seconds of good books
that we will offer to our readers
for a donation towards the monastery.
The bookshop front will be from this blog address:
Papa Stronsay Bookshop
will be of interest to book buyers and browsers alike.


  1. Thank you for this latest addition to the F.SS.R. presence on the web. I hope that the Holy Father is noticing your faithful response to his call to priests to promote the Gospel through the new media. Once again, my compliments to whomever is designing these visually appealing and informative blogs. God bless!

  2. What a wonderful idea, particularly as it is a 'blog'... that means we can all subscribe to it!

  3. Wow, another holy work underway for the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls! I hope to find immense treasures in your bookstore; thank you so much for posting about it! God bless!
