Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In honour of St. Peter, Apostle

Simon Peter saith to them:
"I go a fishing."
(Jn. 21:3)

On the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul
Brother Ivan said that it would be a good day
to go a fishing.

Three set out in the boat at three o'clock.
They returned home in the evening
with a catch.

Jesus saith to them:
Bring hither of the fishes
which you have now caught.

(Jn. 21:10)

157 Mackerel
25 Coley Fish
11 Cod

At 10.10 p.m. the fish were nearly all processed
for the freezer.

In honour of St Peter:
193 Fish.
The best catch in a long time.

Deo gratias!


  1. Catching that many fish-- fun.

    Cleaning that many fish-- not so much!

    God's blessings!

  2. Yummmmy!

    Cruise the Groove.

  3. A great catch after putting out into the deep! Thanks for your updates!

  4. I was very happy to read such a simple and wonderful story! Practical joys lead to practical sustenance and mirror the spiritual lesson to be learned.
