Thursday, July 08, 2010

Total for the Holy Madres now: $726.00 & £70.00

Thank you to the following who have kindly made donations to our
Redemptoristine Nuns Appeal:
(See the lower post for details)

I have listed the donation refceived in this manner:
Date Received,
Christian name and the first and last initial of the donor's Surname,
place of origin,
amount received:

1) 6 July: Fr John Be (UK) $25.00
2) 6 July: Dan Pz (CA USA) $50.00
3) 6 July: Paul Ss (Australia) $100.00
4) 6 July: Constance Py (CA USA) $25
5) 6 July: Sonia Mn (UK) $20.00
6) 6 July: Andrew Be. (Ont. Canada) $20.00
7) 6 July: Michael Cl (Herts UK) $30.00
8) 6 July: Brian Pi (CT USA) $25.00
9) 6 July: David Wh (TX USA) $15.00 (Message: May Our Lord bless your community!)
10)8 July: Mary Ce (England) £50

Subtotal 8 July: $310.00 & £50

11) 8 July: Mark Dr (UK) £20.00 (and £20.00 per month hereafter)
12) 8 July: David Wr (ID USA) $100.00
13) 8 July: Gina Oa (NJ USA) $25.00
14) 9 July: Fr. John H BC Canada $100.00 (Message: I am very happy to contribute to these good Sisters,
true daughters of St. Alphonsus and Mother Celeste.
15) 9 July: Steve Tr (Ont Canada) $25.00
16) 9 July: Daniel Hr (NC USA) $50.00

Subtotal 9 July: $610.00 & £70.00 + £20.00 per month

17) 10 July Mary Pc (NE USA) $ 50.00
18) 12 July Miss JE Js (England UK) $30.00
19) 12 July Andrew Be (Ont Canada -2nd donation) $20.00

Total 19 July: $710.00 & £70.00 + £20.00 per month.
20) 20 July Jack Hs (England, UK) $8.00
24) 24 July Jack Hs (England, UK) $8.00

Total 24 July: $726.00 & £70.00 + £20.00 per month.
We continue to appeal to every generous visitor:

Please, if you could,
kindly make an offering to the worthy cause
of these enclosed Redemptoristine Nuns.

Your cheques will also be listed on this site:

Please send cheques to:
Golgotha Monastery Island
Papa Stronsay, KW17 2AR
Orkney, UK

Make cheques payable to "Transalpine Redemptorists"

Thank you for helping.

Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.


  1. Done.

    Cruise the Groove.

  2. To James
    No this is to the Redemptoristine nuns in Campos, Brazil. See the post below.
    Fr. MM

  3. Is it possible to make a money transfer directly to your bank account?
