Friday, December 17, 2010

The Way of Bethlehem

During the novena for Christmas we make the Way of Bethlehem. It's like the Way of the Cross only the subjects of the stations are taken from the mysteries of Christmas and Christ's infancy: The Son of God Becomes an Infant, Jesus is Born an Infant, Jesus is Nourished, Jesus is Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes, Jesus is Circumcised, Jesus is adored by the Magi, Jesus is Presented in the Temple, Jesus Flies into Egypt, Jesus is Freed from the Swaddling-bands, Jesus Begins to Walk, Jesus Sleeps, Jesus the Fisher of Men.

This year we set up a station in the Ave Marias (small anti-chamber of each cell) of the cells.

We processed from station to station, singing hymns between each.

Entering in to one of the Stations.

Each Ave Maria has a small altar which the occupant of the cell decorates. We use these for the stations.

V. Christ is at hand.
R. Come let us worship Him.

Having completed the 12 stations the processions moves to the Chapel for the concluding prayer.

Knock, and it shall be opened to you. (Matt, 7:7)

The concluding prayers.

This morning the snow and fallen heavily, and continued all day. We tried very hard to get the cat to come in out of the snow, but she was quite content and took absolutely no notice of our entreaties!

The Via Paparum in the snow.

Br. Alphonso putting the leftover crumbs of bread out for the birds.


  1. Lovely post!! I love the idea of individual altars in each of the cells. And everyone processing from cell to cell. It's so comforting to know that you are all there in Papa Stronsay praying and praying and praying!

  2. This is off topic but I wanted to share my recent post at "Catholic Orkney" ~ with photos and prayer requests:

  3. Beautiful, and thought provoking...

    My thoughts keep going back between the image of the cat lying outside in the snow and the image of the open door and how often I have ignored the call of Our Lord to come within. Whether I don't hear due to the noise of the world or due to my own inclination to sin I am too often outside in the cold.

    Domine non sum dignus...

    Perhaps in justice to the cat I should state that I am an not casting aspersions, no doubt she is a very good cat.

  4. Now why are those sheep not in that lovely cosy shed ?

    Merry Christmas to you all at Papa Stronsay...

  5. Absolutely beautiful!

    Am wondering if your darling cat realizes how fortunate it is?

    I would give almost anything to spend a week in such a holy atmosphere.

