Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Friday

Good Friday

Br. Alfonso Maria gives the morning wake up call. Since the ringing of bells is forbidden during this time a rattle is used.

Over the last week we've been making a flagpole for the pier. It has a large cross on the top which was fittingly blessed on Good Friday.

Getting it into it's base was not so easy!

Fr. Anthony Mary, F.SS.R. used the JCB.


Slowly does it.

All done.


The Afternoon Liturgy.

Singing the Passion.


The veiled Crucifix enters the chapel.

Ecce Lignum!

Procession to the sepulchre.

The Sepuchre.


  1. The injunction "get it right" was never better fulfilled than here at Papa Stronsay!

  2. Another beautiful memorial to Our Lord's Passion and Death! Someday, I hope to be able to visit. God bless and thanks for the beautiful post!
