Monday, June 13, 2011

Pilgrimage photos.

8,000 pilgrims,
including our 9 Transalpine Redemptorists,
packed into and overflowed
the Cathedral of
Notre Dame in Paris.

The pilgrimage is headed by the statues of Our Lady
which are carried like this
through forest and village
for the 100 kilometers.

Hail Holy Queen!
Mother of these your servants and sons.

Most Traditional Catholics look quite young!
All the rest of us are young of heart!

Stopping en route for the traditional Mass in a forest clearing.
O that we were there!
O that we were there!

Introibo ad altare Dei...
I will go to the altar of God.

Ad Deum qui laetificat juvetutem meam.
To God Who gives joy to my youth.

Then on the road again.

Father Anthony Mary with pilgrims crossing a village.

Gangway! 8,000 pilgrims coming through.

Some pilgrims I think we may know...

The pilgrimage camp site.

The New Liturgical Movement
on our sidebar.


  1. A very beautiful tribute to Jesus and Mary! I hope to come visit you some day and attend one of these pilgrimages; it's about time that I do. God bless!
