Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Anniversary - Feliz Aniversário

Sunday, 20th November, 2011, we wish our
Sister Maria Auxiliadora da Divina Providência, O.SS.R.
Sister Maria Help of Christians of Divine Providence,
a very happy and blessed
Silver Jubilee of Religious Profession.

Domingo, 20 de Novembro, 2011, desejamos a nossa
Irmã Maria Auxiliadora da Divina Providência, O.SS.R.
um feliz e abençoado
Jubileu de Prata da Profissão Religiosa.

Please join us in remembering our faithful
Redemptoristine Jubilarian
of the traditional Monastery of the Holy Face
and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary
in São
, Brazil,
in your prayers,
Holy Masses and Communions.

Vivat in Aeternum, in Aeternum Vivat!


  1. Happy Anniversary Dear Sister! You and the other sisters are remembered in our prayers each day and we are grateful for all you do for Our Lord and Redeemer

  2. Ad multos annos!

  3. Dear Sister,
    I will offer the Holy Rosary for you tomorrow in honour of Our Lady Help of Christians (Patroness of Australia).
