Saturday, December 03, 2011

News from Sister Maria Onufria, OSBM - Vespers Street, Lviv, Ukraine.

Blessed Nicholas Charnetsky
Bishop and Martyr

In 1957 having served eleven years
in the Soviet GULAG system

Blessed Nicholas Charnetsky,
in danger of death,
was returned to Lviv

to avoid his dying in the GULAG
and the consequent criticism
that would come from his death there.

He found a room in the home of a Greek Catholic married priest.
He ordained priests there in secret for three years
before his holy death on
2 April 1959.

We were blessed by heaven to buy that house.
It serves as a convent for

a small group of Greek Catholic nuns.

Last Summer the roof was repaired
and additional accommodation was made in the attic.

Sister Onufria, the superior of the convent
was closely involved with the work.

Sister Maria Onufria helping at the concrete mixer.

The city government approved the additional height to the building
to gain on accommodation.

For some weeks the roof was plastic.
The goal was to have tiles on before the winter.
This has been achieved.

Before the tiles the roof was tin.
During the course of the years
the old roof was full of rust and holes.

Now with tiles on the house,
we will hear no more about
Sister Onufria standing up on the steep roof
with tins of green paint and her paint brush in hand!

It is a great improvement.
Congratulations Sisters!

View across the neighbour's property to the convent.
Its address is:
7 Vechirnia,
which translates as:
7 Vespers Street.

Blessed Nicholas Charnetsky,
pray for them!


  1. I want to send this inspiring story to my Greek Orthodox daughter in law. She did not know there were Greek Catholics. Please pray for the Baptism of my Grand-daughter. The Blessed died on my 15th birthday.
    May he pray for us all.

  2. Are they nuns affiliated with the SSPX or are they in the UGCC?
