Sunday, April 01, 2012

Prayers for the Reconciliation of the Society.

Fr. Franz Schmidberger.
The hour is grave.

During this time we remember in our Masses and prayers:
the superiors, priests and faithful
of the Society of St Pius X
and its allied religious communities.
Fr Schmidberger has always been a
man of the Church with a great love of "Romanitas".

Letter from Fr. Schmidberger.

Dear faithful,

On 16 March in Rome Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation, gave the Superior General of our Fraternity, Bishop Fellay a letter with statements in which we are asked ultimately to react more positively to the doctrinal preamble of September the 14th than we had done so far.

As a final deadline for a response is given the 15th of April 2012. Surely you have heard this already wholly or partially from the media. We have thus arrived at a crucial point.

Even if the letter strikes an unpleasant sound, there are legitimate hopes for a satisfactory solution. If this solution would be reached it would considerably strengthen all the orthodox forces in the church. If not it would weaken and discourage these forces. So it is not primarily about our brotherhood, but for the good of the Church.

Therefore we ask for the eager, insistent and imploring prayer of all our faithful and all Catholics, that God through the redemptive suffering of His only begotten Son, will lead His Church through this crisis and give her in the Holy Resurrection of Jesus life new strength and new prosperity.

Stuttgart, 22 March 2012

Father Franz Schmidberger,
District Superior

Source: Fr. Finigan


  1. Fervent prayers for an outcome for the Glory of God and the Salvation of men.

  2. Sad, isn't it? Over a year now and reconciliation is as unlikely as in 1988.
