Wednesday, August 01, 2012

All is well in Papa Stronsay.



The Papa Stronsay Minor Lighthouse

Far in the bosom of the deep,
O'er these wild shelves my watch I keep;
A ruddy gem of changeful light,
Bound on the dusky brow of Night,
The Seaman bids my lustre hail,
And scorns to strike his tim'rous sail.

(Sir Walter Scott)

 At the end of June we welcomed the Commissioners of the 
Northern Lighthouse Board of Scotland.

 The sea launch taking the Commissioners back to their ship
which was anchored off the coast of Papa Stronsay.

The Northern Lighthouse Board is the General Lighthouse Authority
for Scotland and the Isle of Man.
The Board currently operates:
208 Lighthouses
160 Buoys
31 Beacons
27 Racons (radar beacons)
4 Differential Global Positioning System Stations
29  AIS Stations (Automatic Identification Systems)

The Great Wall of Papa Stronsay

Work continued this year on the Great Wall
which provides significant shelter from all winds
coming in a southerly direction. 

 The stone wall is nearly three feet thick and ten feet high.

On a wall this size, it takes a lot of work to make a little difference.

General  Round-up of Summer Work
in Papa Stronsay.


The Summer Weather.

The Summer has not accentuated itself this year.
We have had a few good days of sunshine
and some beautiful evenings.

We are looking for a time of suitable weather for an evening bonfire ...
... perhaps on August 15th
the feast of Our Lady's Assumption 
or on the 22nd
that of Her Immaculate Heart...
we wait in the hope of a reliable break of calm and sunshime. 


  1. Ora et labora.

    Such a peaceful contrast to the agitation that surrounds the news from other Traditional Catholic quarters.

  2. You all look very busy,Thanks for sharing your lives.

  3. It is always so nice to catch up with your recent activities! God bless you!

  4. We were just wondering about when you might have your boanfire :-)
