Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tu es Sacerdos in Æternum!

Today Fr. Michael Mary celebrates 34 years of Holy Priesthood! What a great example of perseverance to us all. Please join us in thanking God for the many graces He has bestowed upon Father during these years!

Thank you Father for the many years you have given to the service of Holy Church as well as to us, your community - may our good God give you many more to come!


  1. Praise be to God!

    God bless you on this beautiful anniversary, Father Michael, ad multos annos!

  2. Thank you Dear Father for your long and dedicated service. What you have given to Our Lord has, by the Grace of Our Lord, been a great benefit to many here. May it continue for many more years!

  3. Congratulations to the most wonderful priest whom I have ever known, though we have not yet met in person.

  4. Congratulations and best wishes Father, and thank you and your Community for the innumerable spiritual blessings and graces that,through God's goodness, you bring to us. 'Ad multos annos'. Deo Gratias

  5. Many congratulations, Fr. Michael Mary, on this anniversary, and many thanks and prayers for your generous response to God's call.

    BTW, the Monsignori send their regards and have chewed a mouse or two in your honour.

    Also, you chaps promised to say a prayer or two for me when we last met... you need to pray HARDER !!
    (Only kidding)

    God bless you all

    Congratulations to you Father all the way from California! May the Lord give you many more years!! God bless you.

  7. Congratulations and our prayerful best wishes dear Fr Michael Mary! and I pray in thanksgiving for your acceptance of the gift and privelege of the Priesthood.
    Barbara (NZ).
    with many happy memories of ChCh days in the Hermitage! and beyond through your wonderful journey.
    The children still talk about the Advent/Christmas prayertime there, and they tell their children! multos annos!

  8. Dear Fr Michael Mary,

    I have just read on Mulier Fortis's blog that you celebrated the 34th anniversary of your ordination yesterday. Congratulations, and prayers for many more years of fruitful service.

    Very best wishes,
    Dorothy B

  9. JMJ

    Congratulations from the DeMosses in Kansas City, Father. Thank you for your years of service to the Church and for carrying on the traditions of St. Alphonsus. May God reward you!

  10. Congratulations dear Father, and May God bless you with all Good Things in Christ. Thankyou from all the people for your humble service in bringing the Sacraments to us, for without the priest the Lord has no Hands; without the priest we are lost.

  11. Thank you so much Father for becoming a priest! God love you!

  12. Dear Father, I apologize for the late congratulations. May God give you many, many happy years as a priest. God bless you and thank you for your service to all.
