Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Papa.

This morning, Pope Francis stopped by the Vatican-owned residence where he routinely stays during visits to Rome and where he stayed before the start of the conclave to pick up his luggage and pay the bill.

The Rev. Pawel Rytel-Andrianek, who teaches at the nearby Pontifical Holy Cross University and is staying at the residence, said he didn't just come to get his luggage, noting that anyone could have come to get his suitcases.

"He wanted to come here because he wanted to thank the personnel, people who work in this house," he said. Francis met with the staff in the dining room. "He greeted them one by one, no rush, the whole staff, one by one," Rytel-Andrianek said, noting that the pope knew everyone by name.


  1. This is surely the work of the Holy Spirit.
    There is a freshness to the air, Hope has bloomed one the Earth.

  2. In Te, Domine, speravi; non confundar in aeternum!

  3. Many traditionalists see their hopes dashed in the person of our new Pope. Continuing the Benedictine reform of the liturgy may or may not be a priority for Pope Francis. We shall have to wait. If it is not to be, it is because God has other plans for the rebuilding of his church.
