Monday, February 24, 2014

Throwing Off the Old Man — Taking the Religious Habit

On the 2nd February, the feast of the Purification of the Most Blessed Virgin, We had the great joy of receiving a new novice into our Congregation.

Kneeling before the Rector Major, Very Rev. Fr Michael Mary, the candidate for the novitiate is questioned as to his resolve to enter our Congregation.

 He receives the Holy Habit of the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and then the Holy Rosary is first placed in his hands while he is exhorted to take the Blessed Virgin as his Mother, Protector and Guide throughout the time of his Novitiate and, God willing, his religious life.

 He is give the Scapular of Mount Carmel, which constitutes a part of our Habit.

 Finally the candidate is given the zucchetto or skull-cap, as well as his new religious name: Br Edmund, after St Edmund Campion.

Happily Br Edmund's mother and father came from Kansas to be with him on this occasion.

Fr Michael Mary and Br Edmund.

Congratulations Br Edmund!


  1. Belated congratulations Brother. What an inspiring Saint and Saint's name to choose.
    Remembered always in our prayers.

  2. God bless Br. Edmund, may he receive the grace of perseverence!

  3. Congratulations Brother Edmund and to his family!

    Our prayers are with you in your novitiate.

  4. Many Congratulations, Br. Edmund.

    Ad Multos Annos.

    Deo Gratias.

  5. Obviously both a solemn and joyous event!! Great to see the happiness Father! And well done brother!

  6. Congratulations Brother and may St Alphonsus help you always
