Sunday, August 02, 2015

Growing Well Despite the Weather

The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer wish you all a very happy feast of St Alphonsus!
This year we have had a poor summer in Orkney. But on Papa Stronsay the greenhouse, although a little slowed by the lack of sun, is continuing to produce wonders.

The Holy Angels have arranged for some good weather for St Alphonsus' feast day.
The greenhouse on Papa Stronsay.

Br Alfonso Maria, F.SS.R.has been the labourer in the greenhouse this year, and he has kept the community supplied with fresh lettuce every day.

Juicy peaches!

The tomatoes have missed the sun the most.  They are in flower now, an we hope they will get enough sun to ripen.

Cabbages and apricots.

The Kiwifruit are starting to form nicely.  They won't be ready till later on in the year though.

"Our Lady's Garden": the statue of Our Lady stands in the centre of the greenhouse.
Br Alfonso is growing various kinds of kale.  One variety can be seen here between the cabbage and the tomatoes.

The beetroot are not too far from being ready to harvest.

Also growing at the moment, although not ready to harvest, are pears, apples, plums, nectarines, raspberries, figs, grapes and other things besides.  The cherries have already passed.  They were delicious, but smaller than in  past years — probably due to lack of sun.

Thanks be to God for His wonderful providence towards us, his children.


  1. A Very Happy Feast Day of Saint Alphonsus
    to all on Papa Stronsay.

    And the Blessings in the Greenhouse
    are, indeed, a wonder.

    May God continue to Bless you all
    in your Liturgy and Life For Christ.

    Deo Gratias.
