Saturday, June 18, 2016

Rejoice with us!

Dear Friends,

For the love of Jesus and Mary
rejoice with us!

We rejoice because of the Beatification today of 
not now the Venerable, but the  
Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa.

Rejoice with us!
Today is the 8th anniversary of our 
reconciliation with the Holy See in 2008
thanks to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo.
The mercies of the Lord I will sing for ever. (Ps. 88:2)

On this anniversary of that great grace, 
from which we have never looked back, 
I publicly announce the joyful news
that we have received yet another grace 
for which we are most deeply grateful to God.

On 18th May 2016, 
His Lordship, the Bishop of Aberdeen, 
Dom Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B. 
signed the Decree of Approval 
for the Constitution of our Congregation.

May God reward him exceedingly!

Deo gratias et Mariae! - 
Thanks be to God and to Mary!

Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
Rector Major


  1. Very happy news indeed. Truly the Light of God shines in the darkness.

    My felicitations to you Brothers and Fathers, your families, the Redemptoristines of Australia and Brazil, and all their other houses.

  2. An important step indeed. May God be praised.

  3. Congratulations & God's blessings on your congregation.

  4. A nice list of good news to read!
    God bless you all, and may God send you many more vocations!

  5. May you continue to proclaim
    Copiosa apud éum Redemptio

  6. St Gerard Majella saw her soul going to Heaven.
