Let every soul, then, enter the stable and see that tender Infant, who is weeping as He lies in the manger on that miserable straw. See how beautiful He is; look at the light which He sends forth, and the love which He breathes; those eyes send out arrows which wound the hearts that desire HIm; the very stable, the very straw, cry out, says St Bernard, and tell you to love Him Who loves you; to love God, Who is infinite love; and Who came down from Heaven, and made Himself a little child, and became poor, to make you understand the love He bears you, and to gain your love by His sufferings.
[Our Holy Father St Alphonsus, The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ, Pg. 148]
The Fathers and Brothers of the
Transalpine Redemptorists,
the Golgotha Monastery Island,
Papa Stronsay extend to you their warmest greetings
and best wishes for this holy and joyful
season of Christmas.
We will remember you all in our Midnight Mass,
'On that most blessed, holy and silent night of Christmas,
- When the rod of Jesse flowered and brought forth that never fading and Divine Rosebud,
-When the bright morning star ushered in that refulgent and everlasting Sun whose radiance dispelled the blindness and darkness of the hearts of men
-When a Child was born to us, the desire of the everlasting hills and the yearning of the prophets,
-When the heavenly choirs roused the dozing shepherds with the jubilant notes of the first Gloria.
-When the Lily of the valley and the Flower of the fields
blossomed in that tiny stable of Bethlehem.'
May the Most Holy Virgin Mother and Her New-Born Christ-Child, the Infant Jesus, bless, protect and shower you with every grace in this coming year.