Nine years ago, on the feast of the Queenship of Mary, the Transalpine Redemptorists took possession of Papa Stronsay. Each year, in her honour, we have a procession around the entire Island, begging her to protect us , her children, and this her island from the attacks of men and of the devil. For this reason also, three years ago, Papa Stronsay and everything on it was consecrated to the same Holy Virgin, and this consecration has been renewed each year on the feast of her Queenship. This year God blessed us with beautiful weather, and we proudly bore the images of our Mother and Queen around her island.
(If you 'left click' on any image it will increase its size)
The final stretch of the procession took us along the beach. The Orkney Ferry can be seen leaving Stronsay in the background.
Finaly, the image of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour was borne to the chapel, where it was enthroned on the altar, and the consecration of Papa Stronsay to Our Lady was renewed.

Most Holy Mother, continue to guide and bless your poor children who cry out to thee for succour!