Saturday, 16 October,
Feast of St Gerard Maria Majella,
Patron of Mothers and Expectant Mothers
Good St Gerard,
powerful Intercessor before God
and Wonderworker of our day!
(Click on the picture to see it bigger
and to download it to your desktop.)
Throughout the year it has been our joy to provide many, many relics of St Gerard for mothers in distress who ask for them.
Today we would like to wish those mothers and expectant mothers
- and moreover to all aspiring mothers -
A most blessed Feastday!
Have confidence, St Gerard has and continues to work miracles in favour of those who seek to honour Our Blessed Lord by bringing children into this world.
If you are or know of a mother in distress with her infant, either born or unborn, or who is struggling to conceive, do not despair.
Many thousands of mothers in the last two-and-a-half centuries have found timely aid and relief through the intercession of the Mother’s Saint — St Gerard Majella.
So many couples have been given the most precious gift of a child through his prayers.
In this age, when the sanctity of life is attacked on all fronts, it is a privilege for the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer to provide the relic of St Gerard for any mother who requests one, or for whom one is requested.
Each relic of linen touched to a First Class relic of the Saint is wrapped in gold cloth with a Miniature of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour and sewn into a ribbon belt in order to facilitate its being worn. Each relic-belt is hand made by a devoted soul.
To request prayers or a relic please either send us your request and address through the contact button on this blog or address yourself to:
St Gerard Relics,
Golgotha Monastery Island,
Papa Stronsay,
KW17 2AR,
Orkney Islands,
Scotland, U. K.
Relics are provided at no charge, but, if you are able, something to help cover the cost of postage is appreciated. Our relics are made with Ecclesiastical approbation.
Prayer for Motherhood
O good St Gerard,
powerful Intercessor before God and Wonderworker of our day,
I call upon thee and seek thy aid.
Thou who on earth didst always fulfil God’s designs,
help me to do the Holy Will of God.
Beseech the Master of Life,
from Whom all paternity proceedeth, to render me fruitful in offspring,
that I may raise up children to God in this life
and heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory in the world to come.
Patron of Mothers and Expectant Mothers

powerful Intercessor before God
and Wonderworker of our day!
(Click on the picture to see it bigger
and to download it to your desktop.)
Throughout the year it has been our joy to provide many, many relics of St Gerard for mothers in distress who ask for them.
Today we would like to wish those mothers and expectant mothers
- and moreover to all aspiring mothers -
A most blessed Feastday!
Have confidence, St Gerard has and continues to work miracles in favour of those who seek to honour Our Blessed Lord by bringing children into this world.
If you are or know of a mother in distress with her infant, either born or unborn, or who is struggling to conceive, do not despair.
Many thousands of mothers in the last two-and-a-half centuries have found timely aid and relief through the intercession of the Mother’s Saint — St Gerard Majella.
So many couples have been given the most precious gift of a child through his prayers.
In this age, when the sanctity of life is attacked on all fronts, it is a privilege for the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer to provide the relic of St Gerard for any mother who requests one, or for whom one is requested.
Each relic of linen touched to a First Class relic of the Saint is wrapped in gold cloth with a Miniature of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour and sewn into a ribbon belt in order to facilitate its being worn. Each relic-belt is hand made by a devoted soul.
To request prayers or a relic please either send us your request and address through the contact button on this blog or address yourself to:
St Gerard Relics,
Golgotha Monastery Island,
Papa Stronsay,
KW17 2AR,
Orkney Islands,
Scotland, U. K.
Relics are provided at no charge, but, if you are able, something to help cover the cost of postage is appreciated. Our relics are made with Ecclesiastical approbation.
Prayer for Motherhood
O good St Gerard,
powerful Intercessor before God and Wonderworker of our day,
I call upon thee and seek thy aid.
Thou who on earth didst always fulfil God’s designs,
help me to do the Holy Will of God.
Beseech the Master of Life,
from Whom all paternity proceedeth, to render me fruitful in offspring,
that I may raise up children to God in this life
and heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory in the world to come.
A very happy and a holy feast day to all the community. I haven't had time to write, but could you please pray for Gemma Balcomb, my sister, who is expecting her sixth child. She named her fifth child 'Finian Gerard'.
In prayer,
fr. Anselm, Tongerlo.
Please pray for my friend who is trying to conceive a second child.
Thank you so much for this post; I just sent off a request for a relic and prayers. Please keep me and my daughter Nevaeh in your prayers as I return to court for her after my graduation in May.
To Anonymous (#2): does your friend know of the Billings Ovulation Method which can help pinpoint ovulation for those low in fertility?
My daughter-in-law had a baby girl on 7th October and as she was wearing St Gerard's ribbon relic in her hair she had a wonderfully blessed delivery (her 4th Caesarean) with no complications but a general feeling of well-being. Deo Gratias! Thanks also to Our Lady and St. Gerard. The baby has been baptized Siena Majella Marianna.
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