+ V Sunday after Easter - Perfection is taught by Prayer +
+ IV Sunday after Easter - The Holy Ghost will convice the world +
+ III Sunday after Easter - A little while and you will not see Me +
+ II Sunday after Easter - Good Shepherd Sunday +
+ The Glorious Resurrection of Christ +
+ On the same day He appeared to His Virgin Mother Mary +
+ On the same day, very early the women came to the sepulchre. +
+ On the same Lord's Day Angels appeared to the women. +
+ On the same day Peter and John came to the Sepulchre. +
+ On the same day He appeared to Magdalen. +
+ On the same day He appeared to the women. +
+ On the same day He appeared to two disciples on the way to Emmaus. +
+ On the same day He appeared to the disciples in the absence of Thomas. +
+ He appeared to the disciples and Thomas. +
+ Our Lord appears to seven disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. +
+ Jesus breakfasts with seven disciples. +
+ Our Lord appears on Mount Thabor. +
Mystic Monk Coffee - from the Traditional Carmelite Monks of Wyoming
Friday, April 01, 2011
Ad multus annos!
Ad multus annos! To many years!
Thanks be to God for the 79th birthday of my mother. This photo was taken of her in November 2009. She enjoys good health. May she enjoy many years more!
That is a lovely picture of your mother. May she enjoy many more years of good health and grace, and may God reward her for raising up a fine priest for Mother Church.
Eternal Maxims - Tuesday
Maxims of Eternity
Meditations for Every Day in the Week.
*Meditation for Tuesday*
*Mortal Sin.*
Consider, O my soul! that having been created to love ...
Rev. Fr Hubert Austen, C.SS.R. (1884 – 1964)
Father was born in Hamburg on 16 May, 1884, into a profoundly Catholic
family. It was from them and the priests who formed his soul as a child and
a youn...
The Foundation of Lauterach near Bregenz (Austria)
* 1904*
“Our foundation,” Reverend Mother Marie-Rose of the Child Jesus wrote to us
on 3rd May 1906, “is under the patronage of Saint Joseph. Of all our
Beautiful! And blessed to have a son serving God as a redemptorist.
Ad multos annos!
Dear Fr. Michael Mary,
That is a lovely picture of your mother. May she enjoy many more years of good health and grace, and may God reward her for raising up a fine priest for Mother Church.
In Jesu XPI Passio,
Gorgeous photo of our Mum.....
Happy Birthday! and may we have many happy returns of the day!
My mum is 81 and I love her too. Thank you for sharing your photo of your mum.
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