Papa Stronsay.
On Wednesday we celebrated the feast of the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
Like the Holy Cross and the Mother of Sorrows,
the Gospel of the Mass was also
poignant and veiled.
Ambulate dum lucem habetis...
Walk whilst you have the light...
(Jn. 12:35)

looking across at our little boat moored in the quiet water.
The scene was bathed in spectacular light,
the light of the setting sun;
we approach the eighth day
after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
which is the 21st September
the Equinox
and the winter darkness.
Ambulate dum lucem habetis...
Walk whilst you have the light
that the darkness overtake you not...
So many souls die every night, alone and far from God.
St. Teresa saw innumerable souls falling into hell
like snow flakes.

that you may be the children of the light.
These word goad us to look at ourselves.
The light of our lives is fast fading,
perhaps death is closer than we think.
How do I stand with God?
How long since I last made a good Confession?
The Holy Gospel and all creation,
the sun and the seasons and the years
cry out to me:
O Child of God
born from the side of the Saviour
O Child of Mary
received at the foot of the Cross:
Ambulate dum lucem habetis...
Walk whilst you have the light
that the darkness overtake you not...
Remember your life is fading
... one day soon it will be too late.
Do what you have to do,
while you are still able.
On the 21st September,
the Equinox will herald the taxcollector's conversion
and the Gospel of the Mass will conclude with the words:
Non enim veni vocare iustos, sed peccatores.
For I am not come to call the just, but sinners.
(Mt. 9:13)
What joy is given to the Heart of Jesus
when a person hears His voice and returns to Him;
He came for us
He died for us
He wants us
He wants me
He wants you before it is too late.

looks out in expectation
to see who's coming home.
Confession with sorrow for sins gives joy to His Heart.
We are hoping for the work to be finished
before the weather is too rough.
before the weather is too rough.

The summer is not quite over...
St. Alphonsus:
The greater number of men still say to God:
Lord we will not serve Thee;
we would rather be slaves of the devil,
and condemned to Hell, than be Thy servants.
Alas! The greatest number, my Jesus
- we may say nearly all -
not only do not love Thee,
but offend Thee and despise Thee.
Ambulate dum lucem habetis...
Walk whilst you have the light
that the darkness overtake you not...
Beautiful, Fr. Michael Mary. Thank you so much for this grace-filled meditation.
Miserere nobis, Deus!
How quiet but challenging, a thought-provoking few words.
Thank you.
Thank you Father, for this most moving post.... and the beautiful photographs.
I have only recently discovered your blog. It is inspiring and encouraging me to renew my faith.
Thank you for these beautiful words.
Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R
On Wednesday, September 14, Feast of The Holy Cross,
I turned forty-seven.
What a splendid birthday's gift you made me writing this post !
God bless you
Humbly Yours
Dear Father,
What a beatiful post, filled with many important points to be used in meditation! Thanks so much for this and for the encouragement; how easy it is for persons like myself to lose sight of our eternal goal in the never-ending distractions of this ungodly world in which we live, because I have to mingle with the ungodly every day for professional reasons! May Our Lady grant us all the grace to love Her and Her Son, now, at the hour of our deaths, and even beyond that hour ~ in eternity!
By the time we visit next the chapel will be unrecognizable!!
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