Wednesday, February 01, 2012

40 Days and 40 Years

The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple
is 40 days after Christmas
(which was according to the Law of Moses).

The number 40 has an important significance
in the workings of God’s plan of salvation.
At the Flood the rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights.
The children of Israel ate Manna for 40 years in the desert.
Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights in the mountain with God
before he received the ten conmmandments.
David slew Goliath on the 40th day.
David reigned for 40 years.
Solomon reigned for 40 years.
Elias in the strength of the food given him by the angel
walked 40 days and 40 nights
unto the mount of God, Horeb.
And most importantly Our Lord fasted for
40 days and 40 nights in the desert
and tarried 40 days amongst us before His Ascension.

This year,
on 2 February,
Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple
Fr Michael Mary celebrates the
40th anniversary

of his entry into Religion and the service of God.

Father Anthony Mary
and all the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer
join with all his family and friends
to wish Father a
Happy Anniversary,
a long life and a crown above.
We wish him many blessings
and assure him of our filial devotion and prayers.


  1. Dear Fr Michael Mary, Congratulations, prayers and best wishes on this special anniversary. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do,for the salvation of souls and the glory of God and His Holy Church.

  2. May God bless you most abundantly, Father Michael! Ad multos annos!

  3. Congratulations Father! What a lovely post, and what a great milestone to have reached. My thoughts and prayers are with you on this great day: Vivat in Aeternum!

    Br. Martin Mary, F.SS.R.

  4. Deo Gratias et Mariae! Congratulations Rev. Fr. Michael Mary! Happy Anniversary for tomorrow; and a Blessed Feast day to you and all the Sons. Thank you for answering God's call, and may the Lord bless you with many more years in His service!

  5. Congratulations and God bless you!

    Prayers for you.

  6. Many prayers and congratulations Father Michael. Ad multos annos!

  7. Prayers and good wishes to Fr Michael on his Ruby Jubilee. (The photo looks quite a recent one to me!)

  8. Happy Anniversary Father!
    May you have 40 more.

    May I please ask who was the goodly bishop that ordained you?

  9. Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

    "They who hope in the Lord
    shall renew their strength,
    they shall mount up with wings
    like eagles,
    they shall run and not be weary,
    they shall walk and not faint."
    Isaiah - 40:31

    With prayerful
    good wishes
    on this
    special day


  10. Happy Anniversary Dear Father.

    We are richly favored by your continued answer to the call of Our Lord, may he grant us your leadership for many more years!

  11. Congratulations, Fr. Michael Mary. God's blessings be upon you.

  12. Many congratulations and the blessings of the Father Almighty, Fr Michael Mary - Ad multos annos!

  13. Congratulations, Reverend Father !

    May you continue to serve God
    for many and many years
    under His blessing and protection.

    Humbly Yours

  14. Happy anniversary, Father. Prayers for you, and God bless you and the good work that you continue to do for our dear Church.

  15. Happy anniversary, Father, ad multos annos!

  16. Wow, Father!! 40 years of service to mankind with your prayers and your priesthood!! Thank you so much, Father!!! God bless you with many, many more! How about 40 more??


    Erlend and Michelle
