Thursday, June 25, 2009

Saint Philip Neri

On This, Our last day in Rome, It was a great privilege to celebrate Mass over the relics of Saint Philip Neri!

Br. Edward, (second from right) from the London Oratory is studying in Rome. He showed us around the church as well as the rooms of St Philip.

The original Death mask taken of St Philip's face after he died.

When Saint Philip decided that he would no longer go on the pilgrimages to the 7 basilicas, he allowed this life-sized image to be painted of him and to be carried on the pilgrimage in his place. It was therefore painted during his lifetime!

This is the last thing that the Saint saw as he died. Saint Philip died holding this very crucifix!

A relic of the tissue that surrounded Saint Philip's miraculously expanded heart.

The relics of Saint Philip, below the altar at which Mass was celebrated thins morning.

Pray for us!


  1. Dear Fr. Michael Mary & Brothers,
    This was particularly touching for me to see. I unite my prayers to yours. May your pilgrimage bear much fruit for your community and for the Church. God Bless you.

    Fr. John, S.S.A.

  2. Dear Reverend Father Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

    During your stay in Rome please pray for the Church and the Leaders of the World take care of the sick and poor as Saint Philip Neri, Apostle of Rome, did in His whole life.

    In this regard it is not without shame that I feel the duty to tell you that, cause of the Italian Politic regard Immigration, both the UN and the EveryOne Group for International Cooperation on Human Right have recently described Italy as a xenophobic and racist Country.

    May God enlighten men's mind,
    may men look at Saint Philip Neri for advice and guidance.

    God bless

  3. I've had that Edwardian tour. It's nice to have someone show you around who has such a deep devotion to Philip.

  4. Felicia CoffeyFriday, July 10, 2009

    Hello, A friend forwarded this website to me. I'm not sure that this is the purpose of this website, but I have an urgent prayer request. My two year old daughter is in a cardiac intensive care unit fighting for her life. When a priest friend of ours came to confirm her, he spoke of St. Philip Neri and how his heart grew in size after invoking the Holy Spirit. We are humbly asking God for a miracle to heal our daughter. We are praying through the intercession of little Catie O'Brien who while living expressed the desire to become the Patron Saint of Pediatric Illness. (she died 1/25/09 of a brain tumor, she was seven). When I saw this website I wanted to ask all of you who are devoted to St. Philip to pray for our dear little Mary that God would give her a new heart.
    Thank you and God Bless you, Felicia Coffey, Pennsylvania, USA

  5. I was named after St. Philip because I was born May 26, 1981.

    Cool post!
