Saturday, June 27, 2009

Our Mother of Perpetual Succour

We would like to wish everyone a very happy and holy feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour! We had the great privilege to visit the original icon and to pray before it while we were in Rome. What a lovely feast to be welcomed home to!

Today we also celebrate Fr. Anthony Mary's 18th anniversary of priestly ordination. He celebrated Holy Mass for the community this morning.

Happy anniversary Father; may Our Mother or Perpetual Succour Watch over you!

Our Mother of Perpetual Succour
Pray for us!


  1. Dear Rev. Father Michael Mary, F.SS.R
    Dear Fathers and Brothers

    I share your joy and emotion in this very special day, I pray for your all and I wish you all the best.

    Wholeheartedly Yours
    Alessandro Botto

  2. Dear Fr. Michael Mary and Fr. Anthony Mary,
    This morning, on the feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, I offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for Fr. Anthony Mary on his 18th Anniversary.... and for the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer.

    You are all very dear to my heart. I pray that Our Lord continue to guide you, Our Lady Protect you, and St. Alphonsus inspire you all into deeper holiness and great peace. Our Lord will surely use you for the Glory of His Kingdom and the building up of His Church.

    In the meantime, pray for this poor sinner as he prepares, later this week, to move to His Monastery in the west.

    Fraternally in our Lord,
    Fr. John, S.S.A.

  3. My prayers and good wishes. I have been most uplifted by your recent posts.

  4. David, formerly ConfiteorSunday, June 28, 2009

    Happy Anniversary, Fr. Anthony Mary, and a blessed feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour to you all.

  5. I would add that I agree with Peter Simpson that the recent posts have been most uplifting. Actually, for me, they have been cause for much introspection. I pray that the day comes soon that all Catholics are reconciled on the basis of the Truth. The great cause of Truth is the reason that all TRADITIONALISTS (whatever their unique situation) must unite, because it is up to us to bring the Truth to our parents, spouses, children, and friends in Novus Ordo land. I know this from all-too-personal experience, because Novus Ordo land is where my purgatory begins.

    God bless!
