Monday, August 03, 2009

Solemn High Mass on Stronsay

Yesterday, for the feast of Saint Alphonsus and our 21st anniversary of foundation, we were able to have a solemn high Mass. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R. was celebrant, Fr. Anthony Mary, F.SS.R. was Deacon and Br. Yousef Marie, F.SS.R. was Sub Deacon. It was a fine morning and a very joyous occasion for us.

The procession to the chapel.

We hope that it will not be too long now before our two most senior brothers will be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood and can return permanently to Papa Stronsay.

Fr. Anthony Mary, F.SS.R. sings the Holy Gospel.

We thank you for all your prayers and support, especialy over the last year. Please continue to remember us in your prayers and sacrifices. May God bless you all!


  1. What a beautiful chapel ... I'm jealous!

    Congratulations on the anniversary of your foundation and a belated happy feast day.

    God bless,

  2. I remembered you all in my Mass and prayers yesterday. How I would have loved to be with you. Presently we are in the thrawls of preparing our Priory here. I shall try to contact you soon. In the meantime, know that you are daily in my prayers.

    Fr. John, S.S.A.

  3. Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

    These pictures bring a lump to my throat.

    I feel I am not worthy, not good enough to deserve God's attention but He, in His endless Mercy, came to my rescue showing me the shining light of Papa Stronsay's lighthouse.

    May God bless you

  4. was thinking of you all very much on 1st, way over here in NZ - united in prayer with your confreres here. We are so grateful for this foundation here in ChCh and for Fr Clement and Br Paul.
    May God bless you all in whichever way you need most!
    in prayer -

  5. That statue of Christ the King is very beautiful! I pray for the day when in all cities statues just like it will publicly display them in central squares and plazas, to remind the people as to who the REAL King of the Universe really is.

  6. Thank you for the beautiful book, St. Gerado. It is good that Fr. Frean's excellent work is now published. Being from Australia I have read his writings over the years in "The Majellan".
    St. Gerard has been a friend and helper to me and my family for a long time; thank God for him. If Our Lady gave him the Child Jesus to play with, will she not give him anything he asks, as it could not but be less than what she has already given him!
