Sunday, August 02, 2009

With Grateful Thanks

What a joy it has been to celebrate the great feast of our Holy Father Saint Alphonsus! Today is also the 21st anniversary of our foundation. We are truly grateful to our dear Father for all the protection he has given us from his place in heaven, and for all the prayers he has offered and the favours he has obtained for us. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts, and ask also that you, our readers, thank him for us and beg him to continue smiling upon us.

Our Holy Father Saint Alphonsus, Pray For Us!


  1. Ad multos annos!

    My prayers are with you on this special anniversary.

  2. I will unite my prayers with yours during this feast day of St. Alphonsus.

    May God Bless

  3. Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

    the least we can do is to beg Our Merciful God to continue assisting you.

    We can't forget you are our lighthouse and landmark;
    Jesus Christ operates through you, Reverend Fathers and Brothers.

    Humbly Yours

  4. And with grateful thanks to you too, Father Michael Mary for choosing Christchurch to make a foundation. Words cannot express how much it means to have the Traditional Rite celebrated daily in the beautiful little Oratory. You are all always in my prayers.
