Hello Father.
Please excuse me if this e-mail may be an inconvenience to you.
Please excuse me if this e-mail may be an inconvenience to you.
I'm fifteen years old and I don't go to a Novus Ordo Mass. And there isn't a Latin Mass close to me so I have to stay home and I pray the 1962 Missal on Sunday's. There were so many liturgical abuses and irreverences and so many horrible things at the Novus Ordo Mass that I decided that I could not attend it anymore.
But more, for two years my mindset has been of the SSPX.
Since seeing your break from the SSPX and seeing how you still remain loyal to the Latin Mass and traditional theology, I realized that I too can do that.
I guess what I am asking is first, for your prayers.
Second, maybe if there is anyone that I could contact, from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter or Institute of Christ the King that could maybe answer my questions for me.
Thank your for your support of tradition and to your fidelity to the Pope.

When I first learned about the Transalpine Redemptorists, years ago, I was pleased that someone continued the Tradition of the Great St. Alphonsus. And when I first learned your coming to the Pope, I was perplexed, but then I thought to myself, how is it bad that someone is pledging allegiance to the Pope?
I was thinking like a sedevacantist while trying to believe I professed the Pope to be the real Pope.
It was your example that finally led me to the conclusion that I can be loyal to the Church and be in the Church while staying true to the Latin Mass and the traditional theology and traditions.
I don't recall any of the Saints saving the Church by working outside of it. Thank you.