at this moment I can only say:
pray for me,
that I may learn to love the Lord more and more.
Pray for me, that I may learn to love his flock more and more
– in other words, you, the holy Church,
each one of you and all of you together.
Pray for me,
that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.
Let us pray for one another,
that the Lord will carry us
and that we will learn to carry one another.
[Pope Benedict XVI, 24 April, 2005]

Dominus conservet eum,
et vivificet eum,
et beatum faciat eum in terra,
et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius.
+ + + + +
Dear Fathers and Brothers,
All we know that both the Pope and the Church are under attack and all we know the reason why.
To anyone who reads the
" Pastoral Letter of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to the Catholics of Ireland "
and related articles, it would be clear that the Pope and the whole Church are very hurt and sad cause of the the recent facts.
The Holy Father writes:
" In confronting the present crisis, measures to deal justly with individual crimes are essential, yet on their own they are not enough: a new vision is needed, to inspire present and future generations to treasure the gift of our common faith. "
Please link to:
My prayers are with the Pope and the entire Church
God bless and protect the Pope, and give us the grace to remain constant in our defense of the Holy Father.
Amen. thanks for posting and reminding us.
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