Today is the Feast of the Queenship of Our Blessed Lady
- before that it was the Feast of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces -
and the Processional Copy of Our Lady of Christchurch
was enthroned before the holy altar in
St Teresa's Church, Riccarton, Christchurch
during the traditional sung Holy Mass.
Afterwards roses
(which one can see arranged before Our Lady)
were blessed and distributed in honour of
Our Blessed Lady's Queenship
of this City and the Universe.
Providentially a faithful soul
had also brought a single snapdragon flower to Mass
- it is winter in Christchurch
and the flowers are not common now -
recalling that the medieval name for this flower was
"Our Lady's Slipper".
Most appropriately for today
she showed us how they as children
had been taught to open the flower
and behold inside "Our Lady's Sceptre".
May her sweet reign never cease!