On Monday 15 June
His Lordship
the Right Reverend Peter Antony Moran,
Bishop of Aberdeen,
visited Papa Stronsay
and celebrated Mass for the community
according the the Missal of 1962.

I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of Thy house,
and the place where Thy glory dwelleth... (Ps. xxv)

...and that which Thy High Priest Melchisedech offered to Thee...

...una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro Benedicto et Antistite nostro Petro et omnibus orthodoxis atque catholicae, et apostolicae fidei cultoribus.
...together with Thy servant Benedict our Pope, Peter our Bishop, and all true believers and professors of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

All reconciliations take time and patience.
Many had predicted that the hierarchy of the Church would destroy us.
Far from it!
The Pope has provided for us in the Motu proprio.
The Bishop comes among us as our father.

Stet et pascat in fortitudine tua, Domine,
in sublimitate nominis tui.
Thank you for offering the Holy Mass for us!
Haste ye back!
What a miracle - A Diocesan Bishop celebrating the Traditional Mass at Papa Stronsay. Thank you for sharing this moment with us by showing these wonderful photos. Also good to see photos of the Seminarians
God Bless to you all
Dear Father Michael Mary, please see the press release below from the SSPX seminary at Zaitzkofen. This was posted in the comments at Rorate. I think that there can be little doubt at this point that the SSPX is moving speedily toward reconciliation.
Press Release of the Zaitzkofen seminary articles 1-3 (http://www.priesterseminar-herz-jesu.de/)
Press Release Regarding the Priestly Ordinations
The Seminary Heart of Jesus of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X., regarding the Ordinations to the priesthood planned for 27 June, 2009, declares:
1. These ordinations are bestowed with the intention of serving the Catholic Church. We bestow these priestly ordinations because we wish to express out unity with the Church of Rome. This unity consists of the same doctrine, the same sacraments, and the holy sacrifice of the Mass of all times. The newly ordained priests, as well as all of the members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, recognize the office of the Pope and the authority of the Church. Just as all other clergy of the fraternity, the candidates for ordination will pray by name for the reigning Pope as well as the local Ordinary - an expression of solidarity, which the fraternity have practiced since its founding more than 30 years ago. We do not want a parallel Church, but instead wish to preserve the incalculable treasure of Catholic Tradition within the one true Catholic Church.
2. When Rome, on 21 January, 2009 repealed the decree of excommunication that had been declared against the 4 bishops of the fraternity, the Holy Father surely intended it as a provision of life, and not of death. The generous gesture was primarily intended to be a confidence building measure for the coming theological discussions with representatives of the Holy See, in which, through difficult negotiations, the difficulties which still remain will presumably be eliminated.
3. An emergency requires and justifies corresponding emergency measures. Is there an emergency in the Church today? We refer to an appendix attached to this declaration, in which representative statements from popes, cardinals, bishops, and theologians are documented. Pope Paul VI, for example, speaks of the "self-destruction of the Church", Pope John Paul II speaks of "silent apostasy". Additionally we give two numerical examples: In 1950 in Germany, 13 million Catholics regularly attended Sunday Mass. Today it is less than 2 million - a reduction of more than 85 percent. The number of priestly ordinations in German dioceses in 2008 reached a record low less than 100.
It is a question of the existence or the dissolution of Christianity in Europe. Should the ordination of these new priests be postponed, who have been formed on the solid foundations of Catholic tradition and who are so necessary for the survival of the Church? Instead, as true vocations become more and more uncommon, should we not with great devotion thank God for the grace of such vocations? There can be no talk of an insult to the unity of the Church and most certainly not of a rebuff of the outstretched hand of the Holy Father, for whom we pray daily.
Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
" In Thomas' theology, we can distinguish something like a reconciliation with the Church as distinct from the reconciliation with God. However, such a distinct reconciliation with the Church in Thomas' theology does not refer to a reconciliation with a visible community, but with the hierarchical organization.
Such an ecclesial reconciliation in Thomas' theology cannot be understood as - modus reconciliandi Deo -. Being - modus reconciliandi Deo - presupposes that the reconciliation with the Church precedes the reconciliation with God, maybe not in time, but then at least logically. In Thomas' theology, however, the opposite seems is true: the reconciliation in the sense of being readmitted to the Eucharist is itself the fruit of one's reunion with Christ, i.e. the reconciliation with God.
Is it possible to distinguish between reconciliation with God and with the Church, when the latter is understood as the invisible Church ? As far as membership of the Church is concerned, we saw that according to Thomas, one is an actual member of the Church when one is united with Christ, either through faith and love, or through faith alone. In terms of membership, reconciliation refers to the transition from a union with Christ through faith alone to union through faith - and love -. Since one's membership of the Church is defined in terms of union with Christ, the forgiveness of sins (the restoration of the relationship of grace with Christ: justification) and the reconciliation with the Church appear to coincide. One becomes part of the community of those united with Christ precisely by becoming united with Christ. This seems to exclude in advance the notion of a reconciliation with the Church as - modus reconciliandi Deo -. "
(Extract from: Sacramental forgiveness as a gift of God - By Eric Luijten)
With All Respect
The fruits of 'having the experience of tradition are beginning to show'.
Nice pictures !
A heartfelt 'thank you', Bishop Peter Moran. God bless you and the Community of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer. Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, pray for us.
What a beautiful sight it is to see our Bishop celebrate Holy Mass this way.
I don't Suppose he said anything about the Extraordinary Form being provided elsewhere in the diocese?
God bless our Pope. God bless our Bishop.
Delighted to learn that Bishop Peter has celebrated Mass for the community. I hope to pay you a visit myself before long - but you won't need get the red carpet out, I'm only a deacon!
Wonderful news! Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures. May God bless you all abundantly with special prayers for an increase of vocations.
Rev. Jerry Kramer, OP
This is indeed very good news. Hopefully the start of a new attitude from Bishop Moran and indeed all Bishops, towards The Old Rite.
The icon in the picture bof your church is almost identical to the icon of Our Lady of perpetual succour in the church at Billing Northants, the Northampton diocesan shrine except thet Our Lad wears a crown in the Billing one. A friend of mine provides Perpetual Succour rosaries if you are interested.
He is a member of the Association for Latin Liturgy and ht Latin Mass Society which support Latin in the liturgy in England.
Was there a Scottish use you could revive like the Oratory in Oxford occosionally use the Sarum Rite. The Pope interestingly says the alternative forms of mass are "uses" not "rites". This prevents antipathetic bishops claiming that clergy should not use the older forms on the grounds that" you wrer not ordained to that rite" as they did before the Moto Proprio. Any priest may now use he older forms as well as the new.
Bless you all. You are in our prayers.
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