Saturday, July 11, 2009

Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour

On Saturdays we have the Perpetual Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour. The Perpetual Novena was begun by the Redemptorists and it still exists in many countries. It is a great source of devotion and aid both to us, and to the faithful. For the Novena, people write petitions to Our Lady under the title of Perpetual Succour (or Perpetual Help in some countries), and place them at Her shrine. These petitions are then collected each week and are taken to the Novena. A selection are read out by the priest, and then all those present pray nine Hail Mary's and some prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour for Her help in all the cases that have been confided to Her care in the petitions. There is a hymn and a short sermon, a blessing for all the sick, and it is usually concluded with Benediction. Below are some photos of Our Novena.

Father enters the Chapel and starts the hymn Come holy Ghost.

Next is the reading of a selection of petitions. We write them ourselves, but we also receive petitions from all over the world to be placed at the feet of Our Mother and for us to pray for their intentions. We even receive petitions from a number of prisoners too.

Then the nine Hail Marys are said by all. A hymn is sung and a short sermon preached on some aspect of Our Holy Mother. A Blessing is given to all the sick.

Next a hymn is sung to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour while the server prepares the candles for Benediction.

Father exposes the Blessed Sacrament.


The final hymn: the solemn salve Regina.

Many great graces and helps are obtained from novenas to our Mother of Perpetual Succour. Read about it here.


  1. Thank you, Reverend Fathers, for posting such beautiful and inspiring images, and for your faithful devotion to our Blessed Mother.

  2. Dear Rev. Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

    Please pray for all of us sinners and sick, for all of us that are searching to find the Peace of the Spirit.

    Yours humbly

  3. I offered the Way of the Cross today in Lourdes for the swift and successful canonical erection of the F.SS.R.

    God bless you all!

  4. Thank you for the inspiring images and for your faithful devotion to Our Blessed Mother.

  5. Dear Fathers and Brothers in Christ,

    Peace of our lord be with you! I am writing to ask for your prayers. I have an interview on Tuesday for a job that will help to develop me career, if it is in Gods plans for me.


  6. Dear Fathers and Brothers,
    Please pray for my sister Rose,who badly needs healing, in body and spirit.Also for myself,that God might heal me of this terrible depression.
    May God bless all your community.

  7. In the Philippines, the devotion to the Mother of Perpetual Help is greatly known and loved by most Filipinos. However, the perpetual novena and Mass in honor of the Mother of Perpetual Help is said every Wednesday. Many Filipinos flock to Redemptorist Church for the confession, novena and Mass.

  8. Dear Fathers and Brothers

    I have been blessed with two wonderful adopted daughters. My wife and I try our very best to give them everything from proper education to enrichment and other activities. Yes, we bring them up in a Catholic surrounding. When I met my wife some 14 years ago she was a follower of another Christian Church but, without any force from me she soon signed up to learn about the Catholic faith and she was accepted into the Catholic Church.
    Please help us to be one good Catholic happy family.
    Please pray for me too that I will sonn find a source of income and be able to contribute to make this wonderful family an even happier family. Thank you so much for all the prayers. EG, Singapore

  9. Pleae pray for my daughter to get a free pg seat soon

  10. lease pray for Abbè Stephen Sharpe, a seminarian of Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest who is studying in Gricigliano, Italy. That the Lord may give him graces necessary for him to become a holy and courageous priest.
