Friday, August 24, 2012

Public Profession Video

The Public Profession of Vows
(video of the ceremony)

The sermon of his Lordship is at 00:32:15
The public profession of vows begins at 00:58:15
Litany of Loreto at 00:48:38
 Tantum Ergo at  01:27:19
 Divine Praises sung in English at 01:30:54
 Adoremus at 01:32:45
Hymn Our Lady of Good Succour to Our Lady of Aberdeen at 01:34:34


  1. Thanks for this video, a permanent record of an inspiring and historic occasion. Particularly appreciate the sermon by His Lordship, Bishop Gilbert OSB, and the singing especially that of the Litany of Our Lady. God bless the Community in their work ahead, and thank you Bishop Gilbert for all you have done and continue to do, and thank you Pope Benedict XVI for your unceasing labours for unity within our Church.Deo Gratias.

  2. A lovely sermon by his Lordship. Heartfelt gratitude to him and to the F.SS.R. for their filial act of chastity, poverty, and obedience, undertaken for love of Jesus Christ and the salvation of souls.

  3. I never realised that burning at the stake was part of the ceremony!

  4. Congratulations on the occasion of this final part (I guess it is that) of your reconciliation and canonical erection. May you persevere in the vows you have made, and may the Lord help you and lead you to everlasting joy.

    PS: I never realised that melody was also used for a Tantum Ergo. It seems to match the words quite well, even if Hadyn composed it as a hymn for the Austrian emperor - with a radically different text!

  5. This was easily the most amazing and moving ceremony in the universe!

    God bless all of you monks. Thank you SO MUCH for giving your lives to God and to Holy Mother Church. Words will never be able to express enough how much we thank you for choosing this life, priest and brother. As you spend each day moving through your religious life, with all of its rewards and all of its very real trials, and all of your very real personal challenges, remember that there is a wee family on an Orcadian farm daily thanking God for all of you being here! And that you have yourselves to thank, and also the monks of Pluscarden, for leading my dear husband to the Catholic Church. There's a feather for your cap! :-)

    May God bless you and keep you all!

    I wholeheartedly loathe this funny little spelling quiz that lies in wait for me whenever I want to post a comment. Nightmare for a dyslexic LOL! Takes at least three tries, and that is on a good day!!
