Thursday, February 03, 2011

The boy who would not be stopped!

2 February 2011
General Audience of the Pope.

Go! Go!
Yes, He has made it past the Swiss guards.

The little boy who would not be stopped!

He made it to his Holy Father...
Did you hear Someone say:

Suffer the little children and forbid them not to come to me:
for the kingdom of heaven is for such (Mt. 19:14).

Whatever about not having the special ticket to do this,
we have to say:
Bravo! Well done little boy!

Back safe in the arms of his Dad.


  1. May all who are presently separated from the Holy Father run to him with such childlike trust and joy!

  2. Quite right, Wheat.

    Lost Sheep

  3. Does anyone know who the Cardinal is that is sitting next to our Holy Father?

  4. How lovely to see this, thanks for sharing it. We all feel like doing the same!

  5. Hmmm. Not sure I could get away with that at 35 years old...
