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Friday, February 08, 2008

The Solemn Prayers of Good Friday

in what concerns the Solemn Prayers of the Good Friday Liturgy, the Transalpine Redemptorists will return to the traditional Good Friday Solemn Liturgy and the ancient prayer for the Jews.

I HEREBY RECTIFY my defective direction concerning the Jewish religion. 
I apologise for giving favourable opinions concerning that religion, especially by visiting synagogues and praying with the Jews between 1971 and 1977.

I had imagined that in the synagogue, seeing a father and his son praying, would have been like seeing St Joseph and the Infant Jesus praying in the synagogue of Nazareth. In that sense I believed that the Jews were like "older brothers" in an historical sense. That opinion was false.

The Jewish religion, passed away with the death of Our Lord on Mount Calvary, when the veil of the Temple was torn from the top to the bottom. It continued with Christianity: Jews were baptized first and then Gentiles: These new born Christians seamlessly continued the faith of the Old Testament into the New Testament: The New Israel, the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ.

The Old Testament Temple was finally destroyed in 70 AD. 

After that time, those Jews who refused to believe in Our Lord, continued their existence with teachings called the Mishnah and the Talmud- these are the central texts for Rabbinical Judaism. 

The Talmud is blasphemous concerning both Our Lord and Our Lady.

I  withdraw any support I have given to the Jewish religion, I apologise to anyone I have offended. I pray for the conversion of the Jews. I hope that any Jew would find in me a brother who would help him to accept Baptism.

I urge readers to do their own study concerning the Jewish religion.

Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R. 23 January 2022. 

The chanting of the Solemn Prayer for the Jews


Anonymous said...

I thank God for your gracious response to the Holy Father's change in the Good Friday prayer, which reasserted Traditional doctrine on the necessity of Jesus Christ for salvation. As had been said in other blogs, the Holy Father has now fully reinstated the Traditional Liturgy as a living, breathing source of grace at the heart of the Church and under his watchful care.

Anonymous said...

Well done! Way to set the example for other traditionalist.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Why, was there any doubt? Are congratulations expected for obeying the Holy Father?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the edifying example. Please pray for the rest of us poor diocesan priests


Alberto said...

Well, a true example for all traditionalist around the world.

Just a few words to say hello from Guatemala!! I´m in love with all the writings of St Alfonso, too bad his books are so little known by catholics these days.

My e-mail is It would be nice to hear from you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is the kind of example we need today to combat the crisis in authority in the Church -- we obey all lawful authority...except sin itself. We expect no less from other Catholics (even some Bishops and Cardinals) who are not so eager to implement Summorum Pontificum. We are all called to follow the splendid example of this small religious community -- on an obscure island, no less...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh Jungle Jim you sad man - I am awake and have been for 30 years and for the first time in that thirty years we have a Pope who is trying to bring back Tradition. While there is a long way to go we must give him our support and prayers. Any thing else and we are not true Catholics.

Anonymous said...

Poor Gabriele: Your thinking is warped -- or else you would know that this Ratzinger is not only NOT a true pope but that the man isn't and has never been a Roman Catholic. He is a flaming liberal and about 15 years ago he wrote a lenghty document stating that there is "no such thing as Original Sin..." that the concept of Adam's sin was misunderstood. Uh..? Hello? Are you there Gabriele? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that only a apostate would make such a claim as this; but at the same time, common sense and the purified reasoning of a TRUE ROMAN CATHOLIC would know that this pretender to the Chair of Peter is not only NOT the Vicar of Christ but is, indeed, a wolf. Are you beginning to "get it" Gabriele because if you are not, then you are not a TRUE ROMAN CATHOLIC. You need to wake up son because you don't know what you're talking about. As we say here, "you're not only in the wrong pew but you're in the wrong church."

Anonymous said...

Shame on all of you for argueing. Our Lady of Fatima said we MUST pray for the Pope!!! She did not say we should pray that there will be a Pope. Pope Benedict XVI will have to move slowly. Think about how easy it is to make a mess and how long and hard it is to clean it up. The Pope is the Pope is the Pope and those who deny him are ananthima.

Anonymous said...

Shame on all of you for argueing. Our Lady of Fatima said we MUST pray for the Pope!!! She did not say we should pray that there will be a Pope. So are you going to believe man and all his whims or the message that came straght from the mouth of Our Blessed Mother? Pope Benedict XVI will have to move slowly. Think about how easy it is to make a mess and how long and hard it is to clean it up. The Pope is the Pope is the Pope and those who deny him are ananthima.

Anonymous said...

Sunday Anonymous - I can assure I am not warped and completely agree with Monday's anonymous. I am also very thankful that you will not be judging me when I die. Have you not heard of Grace. My thinking is very different to what it was 15 years ago and that is from the Grace of God. Anyway I am not prepared to get into an argument with sedevacantists but I will pray that you receive enough Graces to change your thinking. Once again - thank you Transalpine Redemptorists for your brave move.

St. Jude Pray For Me said...

From the II Vatican Council: At all times and in every race God has given welcome to whosoever fears Him and does what is right.(85) God, however, does not make men holy and save them merely as individuals, without bond or link between one another. Rather has it pleased Him to bring men together as one people, a people which acknowledges Him in truth and serves Him in holiness. He therefore chose the race of Israel as a people unto Himself. With it He set up a covenant. Step by step He taught and prepared this people, making known in its history both Himself and the decree of His will and making it holy unto Himself. All these things, however, were done by way of preparation and as a figure of that new and perfect covenant, which was to be ratified in Christ, and of that fuller revelation which was to be given through the Word of God Himself made flesh. "Behold the days shall come saith the Lord, and I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel, and with the house of Judah . . . I will give my law in their bowels, and I will write it in their heart, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people . . . For all of them shall know Me, from the least of them even to the greatest, saith the Lord.(86) Christ instituted this new covenant, the new testament, that is to say, in His Blood,(87) calling together a people made up of Jew and gentile, making them one, not according to the flesh but in the Spirit. This was to be the new People of God. For those who believe in Christ, who are reborn not from a perishable but from an imperishable seed through the word of the living God,(88) not from the flesh but from water and the Holy Spirit,(89) are finally established as "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people . . . who in times past were not a people, but are now the people of God".
With all that, even if you do not agree with both Israel and J.Ratzinger's policy I ask you to respect the Pope.
P.S.: In this Blog, I think all of you have to debate using much more quietness.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This from Fr. Peter Scott (SSPX) posted on AQ. I am saddened by such a display of is a scandal. Thank God for the traditional Redemptorists!

This prayer consequently favors ecumenism, and is not acceptable
to traditional Catholics, nor will it be used. Traditional Catholics will not accept that the traditional Missal be tampered with, and that Benedict XVI succeed in his plan of bringing about an influence of the
"ordinary" form, changing the "extraordinary form" of the Roman rite, as he calls it. Just as traditional priests retain the words "faithless" and "infidelity" that John XXIII tried to remove, so likewise will they retain the traditional prayer for the onversion of the Jews.

Yours faithfully in Christ our King and Mary our Queen,

Father Peter R. Scott

Anonymous said...

St. Paul predicted that a time would come when men would become proud and haughty, full of their own opinion, lovers of themselves more than of truth. How dare any subordinate make a judgement upon the soul of the Pope, declare him an enemy of Christ, a wicked man bent upon the destruction of the faith. Where is the charity of God in this? Where is the virtue of humility in this? Has anyone noticed how vicious is the tone of the sedevacantist in his/her judgement of the Pope's soul. What is the point of their anger, their false and rash judgement, their willingness to place their very salvation in jeopardy over a question that they are neither qualified nor competent to decide, and upon which God does not required their opinion. If indeed it is decided by the lawfull authorities of the Church at some later stage that there has been a heresy in one or more of the Concilliar Popes, then it is almost certain that such a judgement will favour material rather than formal heresy. There is a world of difference between the two, for the former unlike the latter does not require a forbidden judgement of the soul. Only God knows what is in a man's heart and why he acts as he does. Consequently, only God can know if deliberate malice motivates the soul of any individual, particularly His Vicar on earth. To the sedevacantist, therefore, I say with St. Michael: "Who is like unto God." As for the reported comments of Fr. Peter Scott (SSPX). If true, then I would strongly disagree with him. I attend Mass at an SSPX Church and I know for sure that the late Archbishop Lefebvre, of holy memory, would not have had the slightest trouble about the Pope's alteration to the Good Friday prayer for the Jews. Indeed, if anything the Archbishop would have applauded this Pope for clarifying the Church's teaching on the need for the entire Jewish nation to convert to Christ the Saviour. Words such as perfidious, etc., are not absolutely necessary for this aspect of our Catholic Faith to remain in tact. Please people, if you must debate matters pertaining to the integrity of the Faith, then please restrict debate to that which is truly important for the salvation of souls, and refrain from angry, rash and uncharitable judgements. The anger of man worketh not the judgement of God.

Anonymous said...

Father Blogkeeper, thank you for this prominent placement of a post re-iterating obedience to our Holy Father. It sets a good example for any soul who would dare identify themselves as Catholic.

Thank you, thank you. I keep you all in my prayers and beg your prayers for myself.

Anonymous said...

The vitriolic and abusive reaction to this humble blog tells it's own story, reflecting above all the unbalanced and to me, unChristlike mind-set of certain commentators. A few points if I may:- First, 'faith, hope and charity' - and the greatest of these is charity. Without charity you are as a sounding bell - empty, hollow. Think on this you who criticise so harshly.
Second, 'by their fruits you shall know them' - it is inconceivable that Our Lord would have spoken in the manner that certain of these critics espouse. Sadly their words and attitude reveal an ugly and unpalatable arrogance, the antithesis of Christ's teaching and example.
Third, why are 95% of these comments from anonymous contributors? If they truly have the courage of their convictions why hide behind anonymity which immediately puts their integrity into question? This is particularly true of aggressive and offensive comments.
Fourth, Thank you Fathers and Brothers of the Transalpine Redemptorists for your example and loyalty to Christ's Church and to our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVIth. 'Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, pray for us'.

Anonymous said...

I humbly beseech Rev. Fr. Michael Mary to please intervene in this debate, perhaps with a clarifying follow-up post.

Also, I note with interest (and some puzzlement) the following editorial statement regarding The Catholic newspaper, which is published by the Transalpine Redemptorists:

'We refuse to print any material favouring positions not held by the Society of St Pius X.'

The views attributed to Fr. Peter Scott raise the question, does the SSPX have a consistent position regarding the revision of the Good Friday prayers?

Anonymous said...

By the way, having read the entirety of Fr. Scott's response on the AQ forum, I disagree with the comment above that Fr. Scott's comment is a display of pride and a scandal. While one may or may not agree with his conclusions, his argument is reasonable.

D. Specht said...

Laudetur JS & Ma!

To new Good-FRiday-prayer:
1. I recognice that the Pope has principially the right and the power to change also things in the old rite.
2. Compared with the new rite I see/recognice the positive elements in the new prayer: the CHristocentric and the prayer to illuminate the Jews that they recognice CHrist.
3.But the very end of the prayer gives the hole prayer a turningpoint, that is unacceptable: to beg only for conversion of the Jews at end of time. But The prayer should beg for conversion of all the Jews all the generations before that point of time - but it does not. So that is unaceptable.
Therfore I beg You, Rev. Fa. Michael, in the name of CRist and Our Lady: dont recognice this new prayer - You can`t do that - please think about, it´s so clear...!

In CHo per Mam

D. Specht

Anonymous said...

"I disagree with the comment above that Fr. Scott's comment is a display of pride and a scandal."

Alphonsus, the problem is that Fr. Peter Scott does not present his opinion as *opinion*. Rather he pretends to give a judgement on behalf of Traditional Catholics and apparently of greater weight that the order of the Holy Father. Are we to pretend that this "authority" is somehow supplied? Based on what criteria other than his own private judgement on the matter?

Anonymous said...

D. Specht, the prayer calls for conversion now and into the future. See this article that provides a good overview:

Anonymous said...

To Schoolman's point, Fr. Scott (if the words attributed to him are actually his) does seem to be advising Catholics to disobey the Pope. That is serious business, the merits of Fr. Scott's argument notwithstanding. Cardinal Newman said that we should always obey the Pope, unless we firmly believe that obeying would involve us in mortal sin. Is that the case here?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well said Frances, I don't blog either but reading some of these comments makes a person wonder, where is the charity? Our Lady of Fatima said we MUST PRAY FOR THE POPE! I go to Mass at a SSPX Church and my children attend a SSPX school and I have meet Fr. Peter Scott. Wonderful Priest. So with that said the anagram analogy from anonymous is disheartening especially if this person is a Roman Catholic.

Anonymous said...

I'll leave one last comment, which I've been meaning to say all along:

God bless the Transalpine Redemptorists!

Anonymous said...

The only "compliance" we are obliged to is to the Church in union with the Holy Father the sucessor of Peter. Apart from that we do not owe any unconditional "compliance".

St. Jude Pray For Me said...

Dear Reverend Fathers, Dear Bloggers,
till some weeks ago this Blog had the Moderator Option active. After having had a look at some of your comments I think it would be a good thing to reactivate that Option. In any case it is possible that some of you does not know that:
1) " Perfidis Judaeis " DOES NOT MEANS " Perfidious Judaeans (Jews) " BUT " Judeans (Jews) which are unaware of (J.C.) " 2) " Formerly Pope Montini (Pope Giovanni XXIII), in the 1959 wanted to eliminate the adjective - perfidis - referred to the Judaeans (Jews) 3) To Pope Benedetto XVI has been asked for change the " Good Friday Prayer " (by the Rome Rabbi) for trying to avoid a new wave of anti-Semitism in Italy, in Europe, in the world. Maybe the Prayer is changed very much in its form but not so much in its meaning.

A) < Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis ut Deus et Dominus noster auferat velamen de cordibus eorum; ut et ipsi agnoscant Jesum Christum, Dominum nostrum. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui etiam judaicam perfidiam a tua misericordia non repellis: exaudi preces nostras, quas pro illius populi obcaecatione deferimus; ut, agnita veritatis tuae luce, quae Christus est, a suis tenebris eruantur. >

B) Oremus et pro Iudaeis. Ut Deus et Dominus noster illuminet corda eorum, ut agnoscant Iesum Christum salvatorem omnium hominum. Oremus. Flectamus genua. Levate. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui vis ut omnes homines salvi fiant et ad agnitionem veritatis veniant, concede propitius,ut plenitude gentium in Ecclesiam Tuam intrante omnis Israel salvus fiat. Per Christum Dominum Nostrum. Amen.

God bless you all

Transalpine Redemptorists said...

Thank you St Jude Pray for Me. Until this post we never had anything that needed to be moderated. This post though, has been littered with shocking statements. We have tried to weed out the worst.

I ask that no more comments be posted.
Fr Michael Mary, C.SS.R.

Anonymous said... has a history

Anonymous said...

Dear Father!

If has been rumored here in Russia that after Bp. Williamson’s negative reaction, the Trasnalpine Redemptorists have decided to go back on their word and NOT to say the new Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews which they have claimed to filially adopt before. Can you confirm or, hopefully, deny these rumors in an official way?

Yours sincerely, and asking humbly for your prayers,
Oleg-Michael Martynov,
Una Voce Russia.

Unknown said...

Rev. Father:
je ne suis pas d'accord avec le changement du prière du vendredi sainte, parce que il me semble que seulemente c'est fit pour diviser aux tradicionalistes. Et même si c'est vrai que le Pape est le pape, ca changemente etait destiné pour la messe extraordinaire, mais la messe tridentine est la messe de toujours, et il ne me semble pas bien que seulemente le changemente etait pour la messe tridentine et pas pour tout le monde.

Saludos en Nuestro Señor Jesus Cristo desde Chile.

Francisco José.

Anonymous said...

Benedict XVI is truly pope and as such has the authority the legislate for the pope. His new prayer for Good Friday is orthodox, and because it still asks for the conversion of the Jews, it has upset many Jewish pressure groups. We are obliged in obedience to use this new prayer. The fact that the new prayer is orthodox and validly promulgated, however, does not mean that we are obliged to LIKE the prayer or to think that it was a good idea for the pope to drop a 1500 year old prayer, even if he had the (legal) right to do so. There are any number of prayers in th eliturgy that could conceivably be rewritten in an orthodox way but that does not mean we should do so! It is very unfortunate that an ancient tradition has been thrown out to satisfy political correctness. Let us all pray for the eventual restoration of the true traditional Holy Week as it existed before the reforms of 1955 and 1962.

Online Journalist said...

Good blog with best posts.
Why do Catholics venerate Blessed Mother Mary

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